Moments like this are hard to describe. These are the moments we drink everything in and enjoy. They are the special experiences that become precious treasures of our hearts.
People often run from change. Change is something that can’t be controlled or predicted. Yet, it’s the changes in us that open us to a new way of thinking and a new way of life. Jesus comes and BAM! Life is different.
When I first said Jesus could be the “boss of me,” I really thought I was going to end up in a foreign land. I didn’t know if this guy would be horrible or force me to do stuff I didn’t like…a miserable existence! That thought was something that brought fear and trembling.
Over the years, I realized I really like God’s leadership. He’s taught me that relationship with Him is an incredible adventure. The changes that come are so worth the unknown. He is always transforming my heart so it has a greater capacity to love Him, myself and others.
What is the moment that is so hard to describe? Well, actually, I’ve had many in my walk with God. I consider Him the Great Multitasker. He is always moving and bringing those special times of connection with Him into my day to day. It’s the text that contains encouragement, the Bible verse sent to me just as I was looking for that specific word. It’s the song that wakes me up in the morning that reminds me of His promises and love for me. There are many more….
He’s always surprising me with His goodness, kindness and hope. His blessings are continual and, even in the times when things are harder, I can still tap into the Joy Unspeakable He is always releasing.

“God is my passion. TWC is my Tribe. My life is an amazing adventure as I explore possibilities and dream with God. I am a wife and best friend to John (26 years), mom to my college-aged kids, friend, mentor, teacher/trainer, business owner, speaker, strategist, pioneer and native Texan. I love visiting with Father, Son and Holy Spirit to discover His heart. I love the process of growth and have great expectation for who each of us is becoming. My favorite thing is to see people soar in and through their relationship with God!
Christine serves as the Executive Director of The Warrior Commission (TWC): To find our more about Christine or to see about her coming to your meeting or event contact
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