
Key Territory Assignments Point to Amazing Upgrades

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August 2016

Warriors do not react to their circumstances, they respond to God. They see everything as an opportunity to learn, grow, advance and increase faith. They have taken their own internal territory. They do not avoid tough situations. They are not looking for rescue. They are developing a revelation of God so profound, it governs every facet of their lives. Warriors know that Jesus reigns and everything leads to majesty.”  Graham Cooke, Way of the Warrior

The first round of Key Territory exploration opened the door for us to experience upgrades in many areas.  We heard feedback on how God is shifting mindsets and perspectives through this time of prayer, intel gathering and taking internal ground.  Many of our processing questions are focused on internal ground, but God is also opening opportunities for our warriors to practice walking these upgrades out in their areas of influence.  Stories are coming in that highlight how God is moving and transforming us in the midst of our daily lives.  We are seeing upgrades in several areas:

  • Relationship with God,
  • Strengthening in identity confidence
  • Identifying new areas of inheritance
  • New Resolve and stamina in the process of growth 

One of the processing questions refers to Graham’s identity.  It is a shift from the introspective nature of the other questions.  But this question allows our members to apply this Key Territory to Graham’s identity statements.  By shifting our perspective from ourselves to Graham, we hope to capture another aspect of how each specific territory can be connected to Graham and his ministry pursuits.    

We have just begun this KT intel process.  Keep moving through your territory for this month and record what you discover.  These territories will be part of our Intel process for a while and we have the opportunities to develop our special forces skills in this season of training.  For several, the training is seeing great breakthrough for themselves and for others in their areas of influence.  Go deep, dream big and extract all you can in your Key Territory of focus for the month.  God has a lot of treasures for us to discover along the way. 

“All my experiences have a surprise and always bring upgrades in 4 perspectives: Intimacy, intentionality, expanded identity, and inheritance.” -Carol Gilbert

Personal Upgrades Through Our Key Territories and Key Territory Prayer Points, July 2016

“The mind of Christ is not about spiritualizing logic or rationale, it’s about traveling with wisdom.  It’s about seeing the future.  It’s about understanding that this is who I am, this is where I am going, this is my story, this is my journey, and everything has to keep changing because I am being changed from one degree of glory to another and every one of those changes involves my vision and the way I see things.”  –Graham Cooke, The Mind of a Saint, disc 1

Our exploration of our first key territory focus is well underway.  One of the things I have discovered as I have immersed myself in each one is how much more I get to embrace about myself and about who God is for me.  He takes me into a place of dreaming with Him and helps me recognize how those dreams are in motion…bringing all of heaven and my future into my present. 

Over the past 12 months, through my journey, I’ve seen the Key Territories

  • Point to new and/or upgraded identity statements. 
  • Open a place of healing and wholeness
  • Shift my perspectives on who God is for me now
  • Help me behold more of His majesty so I can become (step toward) more of what I see
  • Open a space of dreaming
  • Provide a place of deepening
  • Inspire better conversations with the One walking with the one
  • Identify places of promise in my life I’ve never seen before
  • Release new provision for what God speaks over me
  • Break open doors toward greater intimacy
  • Overwhelm me with His love
  • Undergird me so I am positioned for the “next” He brings
  • Move me to deeper expressions of His heart
  • Transform me in ways I never imagined

As you prepare to record and send in your journey for your current team assignment…what are you seeing?  How is your future becoming your present?

Below are some Prayer Points developed for you to consider.  As an additional exploration, create a crafted prayer for yourself and/or TWC from these Prayer Points to pray each time you step into your exploration.