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Starting Prophetic Intercession Training Modules
Prophetic Intercession
Points to Remember
Starting Prophetic Intercession Training Modules
Prophetic Intercession is a foundational part of our Tribe. It is woven in and out of our training modules and our Intel process and helps you practice your prophetic interchange with Father’s heart. Your Foundations training has helped you develop your intimate relationship with all of who God is and these Modules give you practical ways to apply what you hear from Him.
As Advanced Training Modules, these two modules are specifically designed to support your exploration of Kingdom Revelation and Prophetic Impartation and may be completed in any order. Once one module is finished, sent in and your trannsition time is complete, you are welcome to request any other Advanced Training Module.
What to do now:
- Contact our Operations Manager to receive your Prophetic Intercession Training Module at twc.memberservices@gmail.com. Just remember to include which specific Prophetic Intercession Training Module you are requesting.
- Add a tab to your Warrior Notebook.
Prophetic Intercession
Crafted Prophetic Words – Making a Prophetic Impact
This module is an invitation for more. It is an opportunity to step into a place of deeper connection and expression of the heart of prophecy. It is a space to “play with the stuff”, to practice upgrading our language and to learn how to mature in the process of developing matured prophetic words. This module comes with a transcript to Making a Prophetic Impact.
Materials Needed
- CD or MP3: Making a Prophetic Impact, Graham Cooke (acquired from Brillian Bookhouse)
- Transcript: Making a Prophetic Impact (attached as separate document sent with the actual training module)
TWC Prophetic Intercession and Intel
In this module, you will travel through the steps of our journey into our newest exploration of prophetic intercession and continue to challenge current perspectives. This module takes you through our Intel process and gives you an introduction into the exploration of prophetic intel and our TWC Key Territories. Our Key Territories are one of our primary intercession assignments in the Kingdom.
Materials Needed – A majority of which can be downloaded and printed from the TWC Member Website:
- TWC Training Journal #15 Key Territories: Taking Your Internal Ground
- TWC Training Journal #16 Key Territories: Strategic Intercession
- Joyful Acts of War: TWC Prayer Points for Key Territories and Crafted Prayers
- Living the Upgraded Life devotional CD (acquired from Brilliant Bookhouse)
When a module is complete
Send your completed Module to the twc.warriorepic@gmail.com email. A coach will respond to you within 14 days. If for some reason you do not receive a response, contact the coaches again via this email.
Then, take a look at some of your Evidences of Transformation since you joined TWC. (see end of each module)
- How have your thinking, language and actions been impacted already?
- Jot these notes in your Evidences of Transformation section in your Warrior notebook.
- Consider posting on our TWC Facebook as you transition to your next training.
- What have you enjoyed in this Level?
- What Evidences of Transformation are you seeing already?
We would love to get to know you more and what you are encountering. Feel free to post your upgrades and gains on the TWC Forum in the Warrior Chat.
- Prophetic Intercession Training is a journey, not an assignment to be completed.
- These Advanced Training Modules focusing on the Prophetic Intel and Intercession within TWC take what you learned in your Foundations, Stages 1 & 2 training (New Member) and build upon them a foundation for Intel. This Intel is crafted into Impact Prayers and Crafted Prophecy.