At times, life circumstances arise that might create a need for you to take a pause from your active status in TWC.
Challenging Seasons
If you are going through a season where you are very busy, you may not truly want to stop your membership. Our Warrior Training is self-paced and you can ebb and flow through the training as your life ebbs and flows. Remember, your Warrior status is not about performance or about meeting deadlines. So, you can just keep things as normal and hop right back in where you left off. During this time, you have continued access to calls, CoNexus Hubs, publications and the Forum, but your training module, specialty training or advanced training focus may take a bit of a back seat to whatever you are navigating at this time. We have found that even in times of extreme life challenges, knowing you can tap into our Tribe and encouragement can be a type of life-line for you in those valley seasons.
Financial Constraints
If you are experiencing financial challenges, like a shift in your job, let us know. We are very happy to work out something that can keep you connected and set aside your dues while you are in transition. We have Warriors who are passionate to offer scholarships for others. They just want to give back. We also can offer discounts that will reduce your normal monthly payment.
However, if you need a more focused Pause is needed, here is what that looks like.
Definition of a “Pause” from TWC
- Do not continue to pay monthly fee
- No services are provided by TWC
- No access is available to any normal TWC connections, training, calls or publications.
- A reinstatement option is available.
- Your member records will stay on file for 12 months and then be archived.
Reinstatement process for those who have been on Pause
- Contact Member Services to get your account reactivated.
- If the break has been longer than 12 months, you will need to fill out a Returning Member Application to make sure we are up to date on everything and know how to help you get up and running again.
- Talk with Member Services and/or a Director so we can catch up and help you know what might be available for you at this time.
Shifting from “Active” to “On Mission” Status
This is for members who do not plan to become active again in the near future. The doors of TWC are always open for you to reconnect, but we also understand that God may want you to put all your focus “On Mission” beyond TWC. However, we want to bless you by praying over you as you transition. And also know, if you find you are missing the encouragement and culture of TWC to keep your sword sharp, we can talk about reconnecting to TWC and help you navigate/balance the time needed for your commission on while still being actively connected to our Warrior Tribe.
On Mission Status
- Do not continue to pay monthly fee
- No services are provided by TWC
- No access is available for any Active Member options within TWC
- Periodic Publications or Announcements may be sent your way from time to time…just to stay connected.
- You are always welcome to reach out and keep us posted on the latest. We will be happy to help you in your journey with what you are currently exploring/activating with God.
Notify: *Please note: To allow us to make the administrative changes needed to initiate your Pause you must DIRECTLY notify our Member Services Administrator at Our coaches/facilitators are not equipped, nor have the authority, to put you into a pause or “on Mission” status.