Author Archive

Joy In The Journey – Holding On to Joy in the Ups and Downs of Life

If someone told you a fist-sized gem worth $3 billion was hidden in a trash heap, would you look for it? Would you seek to find that valuable treasure in the middle of all the smelly paper, discarded bottles and rotten food?  You might think, “You bet! I gonna invest in a hazmat suit and start […]

Posted by Christine Casten on November 5, 2018 | Categories: Christine Casten.

Capture the Foxes: Warrior Training Propels Me To Jesus

Over these past 5 years with the Warrior Commission I’ve come into a new place, one I never imagined could be so wonderful and full. Papa has proceeded to bring me up the mountain and I’ve discovered things about Him and myself, things that have made me stronger, as I’ve had to shed baggage that […]

Posted by Christine Casten on October 22, 2018 | Categories: Warrior Ways.

Personal Transformation

Have you ever spent time in a place you feel a oneness with God? A place where you feel peace and rest. Where you’re in the world, yet all you sense is Jesus? And then the Holy Spirit ‘nudges’ you by asking, “Did you know there’s more if you change your perspective?” Your discomfort rises as you reply, […]

Posted by Christine Casten on September 17, 2018 | Categories: Warrior Ways.

Experiences with God and TWC Impacted My Life

I think the greatest impact that The Warrior Commission (TWC) Training has had in my life, is drawing me into a deeper relationship with the Trinity.  Recently I began to experience aspects of each person in the Godhead in a very real and personal way.  These experiences and encounters helped me to understand their identities and purpose.  Through this, […]

Posted by Christine Casten on September 3, 2018 | Categories: Warrior Ways.

Discovering the Jewels in the Journey

What if everything you need is already inside of you waiting to be explored? What if you already possess the key to your next breakthrough? Recently the Lord has been showing me the importance of journaling and keeping track of our life together. He has always taken the lead and led me to worshipping through […]

Posted by Christine Casten on August 27, 2018 | Categories: Warrior Ways.

Sometimes The Only Way Up Is to Climb

“You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety.” Job 11:18 Isn’t growth wonderful? Seeds become trees, and upgrades become secure foundations to support our movement upwards. Certainly, after we have stretched into something new, we might be tempted to call out to Him: “Hey […]

Posted by Christine Casten on July 17, 2018 | Categories: Warrior Ways.

Passion Is Needed, Required and Necessary

How do we define our lives? At the end of the age we will stand before the Father and give an account of our decisions. This thought creates a sense of delight in some and fear in others. The sobering part of this expectation is always, “Did I do enough?” Yet, what if it is […]

Posted by Christine Casten on July 2, 2018 | Categories: Christine Casten.

A Place Beyond: Drawn Into the Arms of Becoming the Beloved

A Place Beyond… As we come into TWC, we are drawn into the arms of Becoming the Beloved. For some this may be an entirely new concept, while for others perhaps something they have been searching for all their lives and can now put words to. Like the Shulamite, as we continue to journey onwards, […]

Posted by Christine Casten on June 18, 2018 | Categories: Warrior Ways.

Duct Tape: Warrior of All Things Sticky

“Spiritual warriors give courage to people. They are refreshing to be around. They have that sense of being indomitable, impossible to subdue.” From Graham’s book: “Qualities of a Spiritual Warrior” I love the line “…impossible to subdue” – reminds me of our good friend Duct Tape. Have you ever used Duct Tape? I’m sure you […]

Posted by Christine Casten on May 14, 2018 | Categories: Warrior Ways.

Comparison Thinking, Identity Thief

CHOOSING COMPASSION OVER COMPARISON Comparison thinking is an identity thief. It’s pretty easy for humans to compare one with another; who is bigger, better, faster, skinnier, prettier, cleverer… It can come so naturally to us, we no longer even think about it. The whole advertising and marketing world is built on comparison thinking. The fact […]

Posted by Christine Casten on April 30, 2018 | Categories: Warrior Ways.

Joyfully Attacking Every Negative

A few months ago I heard Graham Cooke talk about “Joyfully attacking every negative that surrounded his life”. When there is a negative present, God has something else instead He’d like to give you. I loved this truth, so in my bold naivety I said, “YES, GOD, YES!. LET’S DO THIS!” not expecting it to […]

Posted by Christine Casten on April 16, 2018 | Categories: Warrior Ways.

Learning to Climb a Mountain and Becoming a Warrior

The joy and confidence of learning to live as the Beloved of God has come to life for me as a member of TWC. It began with Graham’s message, “Living on a Higher Place”. In the teaching, Graham uses a metaphor about mountain climbing to draw the listener into the adventure of becoming everything God […]

Posted by Christine Casten on March 26, 2018 | Categories: Warrior Ways.

Never The Same

When I first applied for The Warrior Commission,  I was on the baby end of Christianity.  I bounced from church to church, trying to find the right fit. I was looking for a church with grace, love, freedom and personal growth as a focus. I connected to the church I attend now,  because it aligns […]

Posted by Christine Casten on March 19, 2018 | Categories: Warrior Ways.

We Are Warriors: Training to Become Like the One We Behold

We are warriors: steadfast, resolved, resilient. We intently focus on the Almighty Warrior who trains us to become more like the One we behold. Many times, in The Warrior Commission, we talk about what it is to be warriors. So often, the description turns to what that means in our hearts…taking ground, transforming, effecting change. […]

Posted by Christine Casten on March 5, 2018 |

The Word Came, and the Bottom Dropped Out

I’ll never forget that weekend when I heard the Lord speak to me. I was at a business event when the Holy Spirit whispered to my heart, “The Sacred Woman.”  I instinctively knew He was giving me an expanded vision for the business I was building. What I didn’t realize though, was that I was […]

Posted by Christine Casten on February 19, 2018 | Categories: Warrior Ways.

The Art of Abiding

When I was little I had a recurring dream. When I was afraid in my dreams, I would run so fast that I began to climb an invisible staircase and feel a rush of safety and excitement at the same time. Last summer I was given a copy of Song of Songs, Divine Romance, The […]

Posted by Christine Casten on January 29, 2018 | Categories: Warrior Ways.

Like-Minded and Hungry For God

Years ago, I heard about The Warrior Commission (TWC). It was described as a group of people learning to connect with God’s heart to discover His kindness, promises and provision for our lives. They trained in many different ways, but one was a focus on intercession. Together these like-minded warriors and intercessors would align with […]

Posted by Christine Casten on January 18, 2018 |

Thanks Giving

In this season of Thanks, our minds are focused on Giving Thanks. For Family. Friends. Provision. Health. Church and God. I wonder, have you ever thought of Thanks as weapon? The most difficult time to give thanks is in seasons of challenging circumstances and situations. For me, the past couple of years have been the most […]

Posted by Christine Casten on December 25, 2017 | Categories: Warrior Ways.

Change This Way Comes

How many times have you tried to change something?  Ok, let me put it this way…how’s that New Year’s Resolution holding out? The reality is that change can be very difficult.  Changing habits formed long ago can be quite the challenge.  But, never fear…change this way comes! What’s been fun is that time in The […]

Posted by Christine Casten on December 4, 2017 | Categories: Christine Casten.

The Grapevine

God gave me a very practical vision of what my spiritual journey looked like as I was going to visit my daughter in Southern California. In order to go from the Valley where I live to where my daughter lives one must go through mountainous passes called the Grapevine that climbs from 400 feet to about 4200 […]

Posted by Christine Casten on November 20, 2017 | Categories: Warrior Ways.

Growing in Truth

For a long time, I didn’t know what to do with passages like John 14:27 (let not your heart be troubled) and Hebrews 12:1,2 (fixing your eyes upon Jesus). I sensed that they were true but I wasn’t experiencing them and I didn’t know what to do. Then, starting with Graham’s teaching from Mind of […]

Posted by Christine Casten on October 16, 2017 | Categories: Warrior Ways.

Aligning With Our Identity

I have always been a very quiet, somewhat socially awkward person. In fact, I have often felt this symbiotic relationship with turtles…spending most of my time with my head and arms hiding within a shell, only to occasionally pop my neck out. I have also always known, however, that this is the area of my […]

Posted by Christine Casten on September 25, 2017 | Categories: Warrior Ways.

Forever Grateful

I have been a part of The Warrior Commission since it began in 2011. Little did I know at that time, this would be my life line in days ahead, as I journey though some difficult days with my family. God provided the tools I needed to navigate the path I found myself on and […]

Posted by Christine Casten on September 18, 2017 | Categories: Warrior Ways.

Prayers of Impact

What if the impact of your prayers had less to do with delivery style and more to do with the time you spent developing them? We are a people of passion. We pray with momentum created through the desire to see change come and Kingdom ground taken.Through the years, The Warrior Commission has lifted up […]

Posted by Christine Casten on September 11, 2017 | Categories: Christine Casten.

What Permission Granted Looks Like

One of our values is something we call, “Permission Granted.” This concept brings great freedom in our process of growth. It is not about a free for all, nor does it mean we move ourselves away from the Biblical foundations we all hold dear. Permission Granted is a lifestyle of freedom in Christ. Let’s cover […]

Posted by Christine Casten on August 14, 2017 | Categories: Christine Casten.

Be Change

What does it mean to BE CHANGE? It means you are open and ready to transform.  Transformation includes redefining the way you think, see and speak. The way we see, or our perspectives, are how we look at the world around us. We know Jesus saw into the hearts of people around Him. He looked […]

Posted by Christine Casten on July 17, 2017 | Categories: Christine Casten.

Sharing our Victories

In The Warrior Commission, we are called to be “…a thorn in evil’s side, just as a spiritual warrior should be.”  To “…see beyond the natural into a realm of the spirit where God lives.” (From Graham’s book: “Qualities of a Spiritual Warrior” Chapter 5 – Seeing Beyond the Natural Realm.) If your story is […]

Posted by Christine Casten on May 22, 2017 | Categories: Warrior Ways.

Starting Points

Every night when I tuck her in and kiss goodnight, I whisper the same four things in her little ear: You are beautiful. You are strong. You are brave. And I love you. For six months, I whisper. And finally one day, when the hot tears stream again all over that math page she cannot […]

Posted by Christine Casten on May 15, 2017 | Categories: Warrior Ways.

The Joy Of The Journey Captivated Me

Thinking back on the journey I’ve taken through The Warrior Commission, I often think about all the things that drew me to this community. At that time, I reached a point where I just didn’t want to spin my wheels.  I wanted to see a forward progression, gain momentum and develop at a higher rate.  […]

Posted by Christine Casten on May 8, 2017 | Categories: Christine Casten.

Turning Difficulties to Treasures

“We know that God allows in His wisdom what He can easily prevent by His power.”  I’ve heard this quote spoken by Graham Cooke and have recited it myself when faced with hard situations. Many times we go through something difficult and wonder where God is and why He has allowed this to happen. When […]

Posted by Christine Casten on April 24, 2017 | Categories: Warrior Ways.

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