Empowering Kingdom Influence – EKI (formerly known as Specialty/Advanced Training). EKI is an over-arching umbrella for all of TWC’s training and connection opportunities once Foundations training is complete. Our purpose in creating these Trainings is to give every Warrior experience, that is scripturally based, and helps you develop greater depth in your personal maturing process. We grouped them to create an easily followed map for your exploration.
Growth and Next Steps
These trainings is an expansion of what those who have gone before you have learned so far in this dynamic prototype community. While Foundations consists of self-paced training modules supported by Coaches and Warrior Calls, EKI Training Focuses include both self-paced training modules and small team-oriented coached training. In addition, most have one on one coaching, as well. To learn excellence and further character development, these often have specific time parameters or commitments.
Your influence in the Kingdom of God flows from your intimacy with God and your identity in Christ. You explore and develope in these areas through Foundations, first. Now, these EKI Training opportunities build on who you are and what you have learned to this stage in your journey with God.
Transitioning from Foundations to Empowering Kingdom Influence
If you have not met with a Coach to process through the Transitions Training Module, now is the time. We will help you choose next steps for your personal TWC journey with God. Transitions helps you explore your personal TWC Training Map for where you are now in your journey and where you are going.
Once you take next steps in your training, know adjustments can be made. Once you complete your current training, it is time to explore new training focuses. Going in one direction does not limit you from exploring other areas of training in TWC. Or, you can revisit some of the trainings you have completed with the new perspectives and growth you have experienced since taking them. Because our trainings are layered with depth, God reveals new things each time you explore them. As you know, your journey with God is not a one and done, but as multifaceted as you are.

Intel Development Training (IDT) – What do you do with what you hear from God? How to connect the dots to explore patterns in information gained through prayer, turning it into strategic direction for your life or group.
Dynamic Kingdom Interchange (DKI) – Developing skills to align with God’s heart for another. How do you “listen” and “hear” God’s heart in the moment of helping others grow.
Advance Training Modules (ATMs) – Self-paced trainings to take you deeper into the secret places with God. These include prophetic stewardship, activating in the armor of God through territories of intercession, as well as many others.
Champions Training – Learn what it means to discover what God was dreaming for you when He created you. As you discover that dream, you also being to understand the power of becoming a Champion who Champions others in their growth through your God-given dreams.
CoNexus Hubs – Relational groups that explore building strong character and the power strong values have in our lives. These are more about how you grow through connection and community in focused conversations.

CoNexus Hub Facilitator Training – year 1 – A targeted training on developing the ability to facilitate Kingdom conversations in groups.
Engagement Facilitator Training – Developing a conversational approach to areas of passion. This is different from coaching as it is more about going deep into a topic to generate conversation and exploration of the group.
Creative Innovation Training – year 1 – Using the creative arts and expressions allows people to break out of boxes and explore the creative process with God. Using your talents, you can develop training modules and/or short term training activations as you learn to draw out the creativity in others.
Coaches Training – Year 1 – Developing the ability to undergird, encourage and facilitate the growth process of others. Using your areas of passion, developing written modules and/or training calls to further encourage development. In addition, you will learn how to use kingdom language to respond to training modules turned in by our Warriors, learning how to spark further growth and celebrate the wins and breakthroughs Warriors are experiencing in their training.

Intel Ambassadors – a team trained through Intel Development Training who have a passion for outreach. This team stewards and builds on prophetic direction to create project focused Blueprints for leaders in the body of Christ.
Kingdom Administration – Training that elevates the administrative gifts from “function only” thinking into relational “cross pollination.” These leaders are coached as they develop systems as they explore the creative process through technical skills, maintaining member support, graphics and the internal workings of our TWC Tribe.
Champions Advance! – Includes two specific trainings as well as a connection of Warriors bringing their God dreams into reality. Trainings include taking Champion Training to the next step in our Launch Charter Training. Earthquake Proofing Your Foundations in Jesus so you remain steadfast to call, identity and purpose.
Coaches CoNexus (Coaches Training year 2+)
CoNexus Hub Facilitator (year 2+)
Creative Innovation Training year 2+

Operations – Leaders who facilitate our Administrative Training and operations in TWC.
Lead Coaches – Leaders who support and facilitate further development of our coaches.
Vanguard – a 360 view of leaders who are seasoned in prophetic exploration and execution.
Directors – Facilitating help for our members while staying true to the strategic direction set by our members and Intel.