A Great Time to Reflect

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May 2015  

As we head toward the warm summer months, this is a great time to to reflect on our personal Intel Process. So often, we pour time into the team assignments, but rarely look back at our submissions to consider how much we have grown. Below are some suggestions on how we can celebrate the amazing opportunity to hear God’s heart for so many different events and people of the Kingdom. We are making a difference through our Intel Process!


In many ways, our Intel Process is an application side of our training levels. The two are truly tied together. As we move through the training levels with God, we develop an ability to hear His heart more clearly and accurately. That development translates into more detailed strategic and tactical submissions, allowing effective and targeted prayers for the person or event of the Intel focus. 


Taking time to recognize our personal growth and to assess areas where we can upgrade in the process gives us encouragement and intentionality for the upcoming months. It is time to enjoy our discoveries!!


Look back over your first and latest Intel submissions: Spend some time talking with God about the following:

a.   Has your language become more detailed or targeted? In what ways could your language be more specific?

b.   How does the understanding/information/focus you have for each event shift to match each conference?

c.   Look at your latest submission: Do you see a common thread running through it? Do your your answers point to a certain battleground or area of focus? If so, what focus do you feel God is highlighting?

d.   How do you feel you have grown through the Intel process? Which area of Intel are you seeking the Lord for help in upgrading in the next few months?

“I had the joy of embarking on a new adventure with Intel Development Training this past fall. The training helped me to not only understand the process and the importance of my piece of that process but most importantly, Christine put the whole Intel Process into terms of ‘we are simply listening to the heart of the Father to understand and help reveal what He wants to do in the atmosphere and community where Graham will be.’ What a privilege to be involved in the process of Intel!” -Kelly Megonigle