April 2015
“Prayer, done correctly, will stir up a spirit of boldness in our lives. Before we know it, we’ll have slipped into proclaiming the greatness and wisdom of God. There is nothing like the rush of faith and adrenaline that happens when a person is praying and suddenly shifts gears into proclamation.” Graham Cooke,pg 66 Crafted Prayer
Each time we upgrade, we get the opportunity to take new ground. I love how we keep moving forward at a rate that completely outpaces the enemy in so many ways. We have expanded our intercession to territory that prepares the way for more of the Lord and, with that, we get the chance to cover our tracks. What are our “tracks?” They are our lines of communication! We have the opportunity to thank God for His covering and wisdom in how our communication flows. Continue in the 4 Cyber “Cs” as you remember to
- Check your junk folders
- Create computer back ups for files, journals and emails
- Connect to the Lord for our heaven to earth atmosphere in cyberspace and
- Celebrate God’s provision for all the angels who carry our communication from source to destination!
With every adversity or challenge we face, it is our joy to embrace the upgrade in it. When those documents “disappear” or when that file gets stuck along the way, consider:
What new territory does your cyber challenge allow you experience and what upgrade does that bring to you?
(photo by Janis Urtans (stockvault.net…free download with no requirements)
Cyber Prayer Points where TWC can join together in prayer!
~ Our technology is protected, keeps what needs to be kept and is safe from all interference.
~ Any disruption in our communication flips to become a promise of upgrade in personal TWC dialogue, prayer, peace and wisdom.
~Any lost work only opens the door for the next round to be deeper and richer with Jesus, making the enemy regret his choice to try to steal it.
~Our joy is to see all lost information reappear and become visible to our eyes.
~All verbal and written communication carries the heart of God and is received from that perspective.
~We call our words to align completely with God’s, breaking strongholds, opening new doors, and creating places of connection and flow that are unbroken and unhindered.
Intel Question Exploration
Question 2: Why is it there?
i.e. Why do you sense the current atmosphere is present in this community?
One of the things I love about the first two questions on intel is they provide a place for us to really identify “what’s happening” in this community. Sometimes we will identify negative mindsets and specific battlegrounds. This is OK…question 3 helps up flip it to the opposite. But, questions 1 and 2 focus on the strategic and tactical challenges, obstacles and opportunities in the community. On the flip side, this question also helps you explore the things this community does well. Depending on your answer to #1, you may be focused on how this community is flourishing in certain positive mindsets, attitudes and trust.
Whether you identify something positive or opportunity to overcome in question #1, you have a glorious opening to expand a bit on that information in question two as you answer “Why do you sense it is there?”