Thinking back on the journey I’ve taken through The Warrior Commission, I often think about all the things that drew me to this community. At that time, I reached a point where I just didn’t want to spin my wheels. I wanted to see a forward progression, gain momentum and develop at a higher rate. Yes, I was in a place where God radically shifted my life and perspective. I had a hunger for more of Him I could not often put into words.
The joy of the journey captivated me! A whole world opened before me: one of delight, exploration, expansion…so much to discover about my God and about myself in Him.
As I considered the many options before me, I began to ask God what is different about The Warrior Commission? What makes it something you are highlighting for my life? He simply said…
”In TWC you will gain an understanding of tools to know Me better. It is geared toward becoming more fully who you are in Me.”
I’m IN! That sounded fabulous! As I explored more, I recognized my values lined up with the kingdom values God shared by Graham Cooke and The Warrior Commission; values such as
- Growing and developing in Identity.
- Kingdom Assignments laid out of helping the church rise to fullness
- Learning how to walk in an understanding of who I am and who I am becoming and then be able to share that information with others inside and outside the community.
Here was a place to discover His heart, my identity and learn how to live in the fullness of it. And…I found a group of people who were just as excited about that process as I was.
Over the years, the acceleration experienced through this journey has been like no other. Even in the process of growth and the challenge of stretching, the opportunity to grab hold of what God has for me in each season, created a momentum in me I had never known.
Was it always easy?
Absolutely not! But I learned to embrace the process of growth.
Was it unique from anything else I had ever experienced?
You bet cha! It was completely unexpected, yet contained so much of God’s heart that I became even more captivated by Him.
As I continue my process of growth, I am so glad the Joy of the Journey to Captivate Me has never faded, but has continued to grow into more!
Christine Casten
Executive Director of The Warrior Commission

“God is my passion. TWC is my Tribe. My life is an amazing adventure as I explore possibilities and dream with God. I am a wife and best friend to John (26 years), mom to my college-aged kids, friend, mentor, teacher/trainer, business owner, speaker, strategist, pioneer and native Texan. I love visiting with Father, Son and Holy Spirit to discover His heart. I love the process of growth and have great expectation for who each of us is becoming. My favorite thing is to see people soar in and through their relationship with God!
Christine serves as the Executive Director of The Warrior Commission (TWC): To find our more about Christine or to see about her coming to your meeting or event contact
For more about The Warrior Commission, click here.