Your Role as Leader of The Call
- You are facilitating a conversation with the members
- You are creating an atmosphere of permission for them to share.
- You do not need to do all the talking
- You are not there to do a mini-seminar.
- You have permission not to let the call drift. Lead when needed.
- Reframe any negatives or ask what possibilities others see.
- People are used to depending on leaders to answer.
- Try to reply with questions or draw other members in with their thoughts.
- You are also our Leadership’s connection with our members.
- Share with your Lead Coach what you are seeing in TWC.
Beginning a Call
- Honor those who were on time by starting 5 minutes after the posted call time.
- Ask periodically if anyone else has joined the call.
- Open with thanks to the team and personal appreciation for their time.
- You can also open with a Crafted Prayer of Impact.
During the Call
- Jot names of participants as they ring in and include them by name.
- Quiet pauses are okay – you don’t have to fill all the spaces
- Help enthusiastic members find their stopping place if they go on too long.
- Let people know when you have about 10 or 15 minutes left, especially with a chatty group.
- Offer a 10-15 minute training on your call topic.
- Have questions ready to ask to generate conversation.
- Keep it Prophetically Inspired
- We share our lives in the context of possibilities, not problems
- Personal examples are great if connected to TWC training
- Include a time of Crafted Prayers of Impact to close the call
Ending a Call
- Honor time frames of approximately 60 minutes – end close to the time frame given
- Thank the members for not only their time on the call and all they do, but WHO they are on this journey.
- Be sure notes of thanks are sent out to the participants.