People notice my phone case. The picture on it captures people’s attention and draws them to it. It is a great conversation starter. Why? Well, let’s back up just a bit.
My time as a warrior has taught me a few things. One of those things is to pay attention to the times and seasons of my life. God reveals Himself in so many ways and, you know, a picture says a thousand words.
Each time I get a new case, I spend some time in prayer. Ok, you may be thinking, “What? It’s just a case!” Well, that’s true. But, I carry that phone with me all the time. I wouldn’t be surprised if look at it a 500 times a day! So, I’m always looking at whatever is on the case as I pick it up.
The picture usually has some significance for my Warrior journey for that season. It points to the call, the commission, I feel God’s given me for this moment in time. Sometimes the significance includes the colors on it and what that those colors represent. Most of the time, the picture reminds me of some part of God’s nature or promises.
Seeing that image reminds me that God is always moving. His promises are yes and amen, which is just a fancy way of saying what He promises will happen!
In an instant of seeing that phone case, my thoughts are refocused on Him and the promises He has over my life. It’s one of the best and fastest ways to remind me of God’s majesty and the kindness and hope life with Him brings.
So, now to satisfy your curiosity, the image I have on my current phone case is the head of a lion. It’s looking straight at me. The lion head reminds me of the Lion of Judah – Jesus. His roar is powerful. His eyes see into my heart and His strength is majestic. He can’t be moved by anything that would come against Him and He reigns.
The commission I carry in this time is to lean into Jesus and rely on His strength. I am to enter into the greatest delight of why we live on this earth…to know more of the heart of the Lord who loves me so deeply He moved heaven and earth to restore me to Him. The green background speaks of life well lived and the abundance of all He offers. When I look at Him, all the distracting stuff of life fade away and I am captured by the love of my King.
In our busy lives, we Warriors find it’s a good idea to have little reminders that point us to God. It’s easy to get caught up in the stuff that tries to demand our attention. Yet, we can set ourselves up to be reminded of the goodness of our God and the power of His majestic nature. The picture on my phone case is a simple, easy life hack that instantly reminds me God’s got this!
What life hacks can you add to your day to help you refocus and reconnect to our amazing God?

“God is my passion. TWC is my Tribe. My life is an amazing adventure as I explore possibilities and dream with God. I am a wife and best friend to John (26 years), mom to my college-aged kids, friend, mentor, teacher/trainer, business owner, speaker, strategist, pioneer and native Texan. I love visiting with Father, Son and Holy Spirit to discover His heart. I love the process of growth and have great expectation for who each of us is becoming. My favorite thing is to see people soar in and through their relationship with God!
Christine serves as the Executive Director of The Warrior Commission (TWC): To find our more about Christine or to see about her coming to your meeting or event contact
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