As a community moving forward as ONE into the more God has for us, we capture words along the way that reflect our journey together. Use this guide to help you with some of the words we use in TWC. You are welcome to copy and paste this page into a word document and print it out for your Warrior Journal. We do make updates to this page from time to time. Please see the Warrior Guidebook for more information on TWC.
Acceleration: The ability of God to redeem time by accelerating our growth process. God measures growth in development, not time passed. God is a quickening spirit, and He gives us the ability to run with Him in a way that increases our learning cur
Beholding & Becoming: The process of how we transform. As we behold God’s true nature, we will become more like Him. We do not change our behavior by trying harder to do better, but by beholding who God really is and who we really are in Jesus – and acting accordingly.
Blueprint – An invitation-based prophetic map/document of upgrade and/or transition created through the Intel process related to our Key Territories for a Prayer Focus recipient(s). It includes prophetic insight coming from our Intel Gathering process along with Crafted Prayers of Impact. Blueprints include many different voices in TWC and go through many stages in their 12 week development process.
Breakthrough: a) force a passage through a barrier or restraint and (b) to open the way for new developments to occur. Our breakthroughs take us from knowing one measure of glory in the Lord to a greater measure…moving us from glory to glory.
Capacity: The ability to receive or contain; power of receiving impressions, knowledge, mental ability; the actual or potential ability to perform, yield or withstand; quality or state of being susceptible to a given treatment or action; position, function, role; legal qualification. We find that the times of greatest challenge create expanded ability to live and move in the Lord no matter the test or pressures we may face. As capacity builds, we realize things that used to negatively effect us no longer have that power.
Consistency: A form of measure of how something holds up over a period of time. As we choose to be consistent, we realize the pressure we may experience is actually there to reveal a quality that has a steadfast adherence to principle that allows for stability in patterns and behaviors.
Crafted Prayer of Impact (CPI): The art of praying with God’s answer, not just for one. It begins in worship, thanksgiving, stillness and rejoicing, where we listen for what Jesus and the Spirit are interceding for. Once we’ve understood that, we begin to create a prayer that agrees with them. The language is thought out, concise and each word has purpose. It is an arrow to the target. Often, praying is part of the process but the end result is a crafted declaration of promise.
Development: “The gap between actual and potential is always development.” When we see a gap between who we are and who we are becoming, God sees it as what’s missing, not what’s wrong and He has every intention of providing what we need. Development is available in every circumstance we encounter. It is the process of enlargement, expansion and maturation with intent to bring into greater fullness.
Ebb: The time when flow shifts to intentionality of practicing what has been learned in the flow, allowing it to become an established truth. It is not a vacation. It is a time of intentionally learning how to apply the tools, perspectives, mindset, etc. you have learned to your most recent “flow” of growth.
Elevated perspective: Seeing life from God’s perspective, not our earthly vantage point. It is where we respond to what God is doing, not react to our circumstances. It is where God’s Truth is higher than what may currently be true about our lives, our behavior or experiences.
Endurance: The ability to hone and establish into the rhythm of ebbs and flows for each new territory or area of increase. A continual process of growth and development designed to increase your capacity and strengthen your posture as you develop in greater authority and maturity.
Favor: Favor is birthed in relationship with God. We are not given favor because of who we are or from our performance, but because of who Jesus is in us and who we are in Him. Favor is permission to ask, seek and knock in knowing everything is yes and amen in Jesus. Favor & provision are attracted to our Kingdom identity. Favor is not a one-time experience that we merely receive, it is our because of our placement in Jesus.
Flow: An exciting time of revelation, understanding, knowledge, shifts in mindsets and perceptions and learning; often includes a lot of communication with the Lord.
Gap: An identified area of growth and place of invitation & partnership with God for maturity. We have learned to see gaps as storehouses open and waiting for God to pour into so we can become who He says we are.
Grit: A fixed mental strength and diligence of spirit to press on in prolonged adverse conditions no matter the cost maintaining core purpose and moral qualities. Synonyms: brave, strength of will, fortitude, determination, perseverance, endurance.
Holding Pattern: A place of pause for maturation in communion with God. It is often part of the ebb and transition process as we learn to practice and then become what we have learned about God’s nature and perspective.
Identity: Is who you are, regardless of circumstances, role or preferences. It’s how you show up in Christ and how He interacts with you. It’s what marks you out in the Spirit and how heaven sees you. It’s what sets you apart for a particular purpose. Each aspect of our identity has specific permissions, favor and provisions for us to discover, explore and grow into. Identity develops from God’s original design for each of us and is discovered through a devotional life with Him.
Identity Statements or “I am” Statements: You write out your statement(s) of how God sees you and interacts with you in His original design for you. ID statements are often found in our prophetic words & inheritance scriptures. A statement may also include how your identity impacts others. Example: “I am a Warrior who purely reflects the love of God to others.” Identity statements lived out and promote the power of the one with the One. They capture how God empowers us in sonship and as a new breed of Warrior Ambassadors of His love.
Inheritance: The fullness of all that God has for us in our present and in our future. It is fixed in God’s heart. He knows who we are and who we will become. Often the provision, blessing and authority of our inheritance is discovered in opposition. It is ultimately where we want to live from and is attracted to our true identity. Also described as a “Huios” relationship with God – In Israel, when a son matured, he was brought before the community and his Father declared: “If he gives you his word, it is the same as if I had given you my word”. He became a “huios”: a son who could be entrusted with the things of his father. It is one who lives from inheritance, not just from needs met.
Inheritance words: Scriptures that “jump off the page and wrap themselves around your heart”. If the scripture contains a person, that person’s life may also be a place of inheritance. What they experienced in their relationship with God can be yours. Inheritance words can be as powerful as prophetic words and should be studied as such for intensive periods of time, then revisited regularly. They hold keys to your identity and persona. Identity statements often come through these studies.
“Insteads”: Based on Isaiah 61 for every negative (“ashes”, “mourning”…), there is an opposite (“beauty”, “oil of joy”…). If we see a negative, we ask, “What is God doing ‘instead’ ”? “Instead Lists” are where we list the negatives we see about ourselves/situation and then find God’s opposite for each. Then we get rid of the negatives and declare our opposites as our prophetic word for who God plans on being for us and who we will become as we grow in His “insteads” for us.
Intel: A place of deep intimacy to incline our ear to hear God’s heart. A decision to posture oneself to continually gather direction, understanding and knowledge to cultivate more fullness in your place of learning and for another. Engage in an ongoing commitment to acquire and apply that information as part of a Kingdom lifestyle.
Intel Gathering Process: Each member in TWC is invited to be a part of the Intel Gathering Process 1-3 times a year. As with our values, it is an invitation. This invitation is to seek God’s heart for another, typically one of our Prayer Focuses or for TWC itself. It is the first stage of our Blueprint development and/or Crafted Prayers of Impact.
Intel Strategy:Embedded understanding of what God wants to do and how to partner with Him. We often discover it through the prophetic intercession process. It is the way we empower and partner with God’s promises and provision to work in our lives.
Intentionality: As we understand God’s intentionality we develop a passion to live purposefully with Him. (For example: in already planning for Jesus to die in our place before creation even existed!) That passion causes us to joyfully take responsibility for our own blessings and not to live dependent only on ministry for our relationship with Him. The door to an intentional life is through the grace of God and seeing His intentionality towards us.
Joyful dependency: Where we gladly depend on God. Joyful dependency means we lean not on our own understanding but in all our ways acknowledge Him. It moves away from self-effort or reliance and draws us in delight into His empowering grace, empowering us to be what we could not possibly be in our own effort.
Kingdom Mindsets: We are on an ongoing journey to embrace the mind of Christ. Receiving and living from God’s heart and nature connects us to His thinking and mindset toward each of us, toward others and the earth. Our intentional focus on Him brings His transformation into our lives as He upgrades us from one way of thinking and perceiving to an an integration into His Kingdom culture. As we develop, we learn more about His mindsets and how we live, carry His heart and bring Kingdom Culture (below) into the earth.
Kingdom Culture: The culture of heaven brought to earth and lived in each of us. This is how we take Kingdom Mindsets and bring them into action…As Warrior Ambassadors of His love, we carry a culture of heaven in all we say, live and do. Growing in God expands our personal capacity to receive the culture of heaven into our lives. As a Tribe, we practice this culture and continue to expand it in our interactions and training. This means we are empowered to bring heaven to earth in our community, practicing the freedom, joy, focus, honor and praise, life with Christ brings. It also means we make space for ourselves and others to rise into fullness and wholeness in Jesus. This journey has resulted in a unique culture in TWC that brings life and encouragement to all. We all have the opportunity to continue to explore, impart and infuse God’s heart and nature into our TWC culture in many ways.
Language of Promise: God’s promises are His love language to us. They bring our tomorrow into our today as we partner with them. His promises to us, both personally, through prophetic words and in scriptures, are one of our chief weapons in overcoming and living in the fullness of all God desires for us.
Latitude: It means the scope to go further and deeper in God than you ever have before. It is God’s permission to explore the heights, depths and breath of His true nature, though it is not available to the casual seeker.
Love the Learning: All circumstances hold potential for learning. There is a joy and delight in every aspect of our journey available to us in Jesus. It is a shift in perspective from outcome focused to loving the learning all along the way, whether we have initially defined it as good or bad. In Christ, there are no bad days, but only days of grace. Some of the best learning experiences happen when things do not go as we would have wanted or thought. They actually aid further in our development because any perceived negative is cancelled and converted for our good. It is redefined as an opportunity to learn what didn’t work or what not to do. It is embracing life as a journey or a process, where learning occurs all along the way, not just a goal to be reached.
Maturity: It is beholding and becoming more Christ-like while developing the same mindsets and approach to life that Jesus had. Maturity is often identified and developed in adversity. In these situations, we either pass our tests or find out what is missing from our experience and expression of Jesus; and what God intends to provide next.
Meditation: Is to think deeply about the things of God. It can be entered by two doors: Knowledge and Encounter. If you enter by knowledge, be sure to leave by the door of personal encounter with the Living Word (God). If you have an impartation, or encounter, spend time establishing yourself in the knowledge and scripture of what you’ve experienced. This is not the same as new age meditation where you “empty” yourself. It is a focused intention toward scripture and the heart of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Mentoring: It is the process of coming alongside another person in life and through relationship, asking brilliant questions, sharing wisdom and walking through development together. Mentoring is often done in only one particular area of someone’s life and is usually for a season. It puts the responsibility for pace and development in the hands of the individual as they discover their destiny with God. Mentors support with wisdom and feedback to keep you on the right track. They consistently push you back on to God for answers. But, ultimately, a mentor’s goal is to bring you into a more co-equal relational connection.
Mindsets: How we think and perceive the world around us. Mindsets can be positive or negative, heaven’s perspective or earth-bound. A mindset can only be replaced with another mindset. See also, Kingdom Mindsets above.
Mistakes: They are not possible the first time we do something because that’s a learning experience. Enjoy the learning in every situation, apply it, grow from it and we cannot fail because we are so amazingly loved. And if we fail to learn, then we have the joy of repentance.
Needs: God supplies all our needs. People are wonderful, but can never be the source we depend on. Provision is accessed through thanksgiving, worship and praise. It is attracted to our true identity: what God orders, He pays for. When your promises are revealed, permission is released and provision unfolds. This is the entry level, or “baby-end” of faith. A baby does not fret about having its needs met, nor does he/she worry about what can be done to meet that need. Babies don’t work or provide a service – they trust their parents to supply their needs. Also described as an “Abba” relationship with God – where we trust God to meet our needs. “Abba” is the equivalent of a young child’s “Daddy”. It is child-like trust and dependency.
Negativity: An earth bound perspective that usually magnifies what the enemy is doing over the majesty of God and His supremacy. Negativity places you in a hostile place in your relationship with God. It opens the door for opposition and oppression. Negative thoughts, negative words and negative actions that all require a change of mindset. The enemy uses negativity to penetrate, make us weary and damage relationships. It demoralize and depresses us, subverting our thinking from God’s perspective. The fruit of the Spirit, grace, mercy, truth, humility, rejoicing, thanksgiving and primarily rest overcome negativity.
Pastoral Relationships: If done in combination with the prophetic, it walks with someone through their past and present in a way that pulls hope and vision from their future. This future present perspective helps someone rise into who God says they are. Without being combined with the prophetic, the pastoral can become problem focused and dependent on figuring out the past to bring healing to the present. If done without a future perspective, this is often a very slow process that can become stalled in victim thinking and drains pastoral people.
Permission Granted: The understanding that God’s answer is always “yes” until we hear a “no”. Or…“The light is always green until it turns red”. It’s the freedom God gives us to explore, pioneer and discover.
Persistence: Afirm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
Personality: This is how we are known on earth. We have one personality that will have both positive and negative attributes. Descriptions of positive personality include things like optimistic, teachable, trustworthy, generous, peaceful and the fruit of the Spirit. Negative personality traits include things like: moody, fearful, pessimistic, critical, lazy, perfectionism, self-focused, anxiety, etc. It is where we practice being alive to Christ, rather than continually trying to be dead to our negativity/sin and where we encounter transformation as we behold God’s true nature and our true identity displaces our negative personality.
Perspective: How you see or understand something. Perspectives can be earth bound or heaven bound. Our process of growth is focused on shifting our earth-bound perspectives into heaven bound, or understanding based from God’s heart.
Present-Future: Sees life as who you are and who you are becoming. You have an image of how God sees you in the future and are intentionally partnering with God to develop the relationship and character of that person today. You see every situation as a contribution to your development or opportunity to practice your destiny.
Present-Past: Sees life in terms of who they have been, what has happened to them and how it effects their present. If the past is difficult, it can often result in victim thinking. It sees the solutions to today’s problems through figuring out past experiences. If it has been a successful history, it can lead to security today based on accomplishments, not relationship. It is vulnerable to collapse when failure or difficult circumstances occur.
(The) Process makes you rich: It is the process we engage in with God that makes us rich, not just the outcome at the end. It’s where we grow in relationship with who God really is for us and where we are transformed more into His image by the journey. It involves a duration of time to get to know new aspects of God, our identity and how we relationally will evolve with the Lord. It is an unfolding of truths and applicational opportunities to establish the things within us as a part of our transformation. Joy, peace and delight are not postponed until the outcome is seen, but discovered throughout our development.
Prophetically Inspired Relationships:Relationships based on who we are and are becoming. We speak to each other from how God sees us, not what may currently be true in our actions or mindsets. We call each other up into our identity, not out on our behavior. We ask brilliant questions of our friends about their process that facilitate dialogue and relationship with God, rather than give answers, lectures or opinions on what they should or should not be doing.
Provision: Both having needs met and living from God’s inheritance for us. Provision is usually out ahead of us in the future. It rarely comes to meet us, we have to go meet it. It is often hidden next to adversity, human opposition or enemy activity. It is linked with our identity and inheritance.
Reframing (or Remodeling): Looking at your negative thought from God’s opposite perspective. Exchanging earth-bound thinking for God’s higher ways. It is applying our insteads and living out Philippians 4:23 “Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitude.” A thought can only be replaced with another (higher) thought at any moment in time.
Rest: It is a place to remain, behold the Lord, refresh and recalibrate. It is a place of deeper relationship with God. It is a place to operate out of sweet communion with the Lord instead of moving in our own strength or by obligation. It is a place to constantly receive and work out of the anointing. It is an abiding alignment with God’s heart as we live and move about our day. It is living and seeing through heaven’s perspective where the things of this world cannot touch us. It is a place to flow with Holy Spirit in peace in the midst of the circumstances that are negative around a person. It can encompass all of these or certain aspects of them for an individual.
Rest is a weapon: We can defeat the enemy by remaining peaceful & trusting in the nature of God. It creates a defense against anxiety, worry and fear and allows us to joyfully endure. Rest requires practice and is a chief weapon against earth bound thinking. It keeps us from moving out of pressure or obligation. There is a place in Jesus and in Father’s heart for you to dwell in rest. From there, all ministry flows.
Risk: A willingness and hope to engage in an opportunity ripe with possibilities to achieve great gain. Risk is sometimes equal to taking a faith step. That is why we do not consider an unmet expectation a failure, it’s an opportunity to learn. We focus on the possibility that will come because of the risk rather than being blocked, or stopped, by personal insecurities, what we see in the natural or the concerns that would hold us back. We often use the phrase…”Get your brave on.” As a reminder of the courage God has at hand.
Spiritual Warfare: Encountering the Majesty and Supremacy of God in every situation. Any enemy activity is an opportunity to see what God is doing “instead”. Battles are fought from the stance of victory that God has already established His promise or provision. We partner with Him, recognizing our permissions as Sons and Daughters. The first stage of warfare is to change the atmosphere. We do this through releasing blessings of Good News, rejoicing, worship and declarations of Truth. In battle, the fruits of the Spirit are as powerful as the gifts of the Spirit.
Story & Journey: The Bible is primarily a book of stories and people’s journeys with God. Read it like that…and see your own life and the lives of those around you in terms of their story and journey. What chapter are you (they) in now? If it’s not pleasant, think of how you can honor both yourself, them and God and move to the next chapter. When we see each other in terms of story and journey, patience is exchanged for frustration. We rest in our own journey knowing how quickly others move or what they do is not a reflection on us as each person is responsible for their own story and journey.
Transition: A time when what you have learned becomes a part of your nature, embedded in your DNA. What you learned in flows, practiced in ebbs, becomes a part of your lifestyle. Many times God is quieter than flows/ebbs, giving you time to release insecurities displaced as His DNA becomes more a part of your life.
Waiting: An abiding (in Father’s Heart) stance and a state of readiness and trust being continually established and developed until the permission is given to proceed.
Warriors: They are peaceful, restful, untroubled and have absolute confidence in the nature of God for them. They are dedicated, focused, intentional and disciplined. They have an inner compass that keeps them pointed toward the will of God. They keep moving in the same direction that God has challenged them to go, looking for partnership with those who are like-minded as they go. Every circumstance is an opportunity to grow, learn, increase in faith and see God’s majesty. 2 Cor. 6:4-10 is the mission of every warrior.
Wonky: Sometimes, when we go through bigger upgrades and shifts in our thinking, mindsets and perspectives, it takes some time for our understanding and language to catch up. In those times, we may feel a bit uncertain, or incapable, of putting the transition we are experience into words. Things may seem a bit topsy turvy until God allows you to settle into the newness of what your most recent upgrade has created in you. It’s a normal part of process and maturing, especially if you are moving at an accelerated rate.