We ask you to keep a basic Warrior Notebook and a Warrior Log throughout your TWC journey. How you do this and how often you update it is your choice.
This Warrior Log is a great way to capture your thoughts and growth as you spend extra time on it between training levels. Take time to reflect and add to it before moving on to the next stage of your training. It is a section you can add to your Warrior Notebook or keep in a special folder. During all your Training, your Warrior Log record will become an essential part of your training that is created by you for your eyes only, but it may be a valuable resource as you put together your Training Module Response Journals along the way. For additional encouragement, see the section at the bottom of the page regarding “The Warrior’s Journal,” by Graham Cooke.
On This Page:
- What is a Warrior’s Notebook?
- Organization
- What is a Warrior’s Log?
- Key Questions
- “The Warrior Journal” by Graham Cooke
What Is A Warrior’s Notebook?

Our members have said creating a Warrior Notebook is extremely helpful. This Notebook goes beyond simply journaling quiet times spent with God and is pretty much a must, whether created on paper or on technology. You will be working with a variety of materials over several months and you don’t want to lose the pieces. It also provides a place to take notes.
For some, this Warrior Notebook will be a physical binder that they can hold. For others, this Notebook may be organized in computer files or in electronic tablet apps like Goodnotes, Notability, Evernote, etc.
This Notebook can have different sections for the training module you are currently process, previously completed training modules, and/or a section with processing questions highlighted in your Warrior Log. (There is information on a Warrior Log below). You can keep all training modules in one notebook or break them up according to the module, but your Warrior Log will have threads that flow through all your Training Modules as you continue on your journey with God within TWC.
With the training process itself, most have found it is best to make notes as you go. It is helpful to establish some organization system and update or adjust it as needed. It will also become a significant encouragement when you see how far you’ve come!
Organization Ideas
Here are some suggestions for sections or tabs
- Foundations, Stages 1-6 (and you can add any Trainings Modules as you go)
- The Training Module
- The Training Response Journal (if applicable)
- Evidences of Transformation
- Warrior Log (see below)
- Impact Prayers
- Inheritance Words – Scripture references
- Pictures or Graphics/Songs or Videos
- Calendar
- Warrior Call notes (from calls you join or listen to)
- Articles from Frontline or Training Journals that are helpful
- Your questions and the answers you discover
With each Training Module consider what speaks to you and what do you want to not forget. These are suggestions, not have to’s. Starting in Stages 1 and 2 you may not need expansive organization, but as you go along you may want to add sections that capture and hold clear documentation of your journey. It’s OK to reassess your notebook from time to time as you continue to move forward preserving what is most significant. Keeping all of the Foundations Stages 1-6 information all the way through Stage 6 will help with Stage 6 and what the Lord has for you beyond Stage 6. Each Training Modules builds on the previous one.
Creative Options
Some members prefer to have different colored notebooks or create folders/files in their computer. Others use different apps to keep it organized or on their computer. If you keep your Notebook on some form of technology – back it up. Technology is a battleground! Every thing we do is a process, so you’ll be collecting pieces throughout your journey… and this will help you keep them.
Whatever way you choose to organize your training, remember that you will need to create a Training Submission and send that to your Coaches in a way they can read and respond to it using the Training Module Response Journal. Information on this is in each Training Module’s Response Journal under What to Submit. Your coaches enjoy the opportunity to celebrate your gains and encourage your growth in the Lord.
Unique to You
There is no one perfect way to create this Notebook. Part of your training is partnering with Holy Spirit Who is the best Teacher, Friend, and Counsel as you explore what works and blesses you best. What worked for you when in school may not work here, or it may fit great because you are comfortable with it. You can check out the section in Warrior Helps called Learning and Receiving Styles for more information on this. If you have any questions about these organizational issues, your coaches can help.
What Is A Warrior’s Log?
A Warrior’s Log is not the same as your Notebook. A Warrior’s Log, or journal, is an essential part of your Notebook. It is as important to us as in the old days of sailing, where the pilot’s log book was vital to them. Every time something happened, they would log it – latitude, longitude and what they found. We have adapted this tool from the article by Graham Cooke called The Warrior Journal that is shared below.
When they came to islands, they would record the location, if it had water, game or produce and if the natives were friendly. When you came into a tropical storm or high wind, you logged absolutely everything. The Dutch word for the log book was “rutter” and it described the record of their journey from one point to another, how they navigated through it and what to expect.
That’s what we’re doing here. A Warrior navigates through what has been discovered. A Warrior will establish signposts and create a navigation map to keep track of their own journey and possibly for others to follow. Also, remembering where you have been helps to encourage yourself as you move forward. With every part of our adventures in God, we gain wisdom, tools, and a deeper relationship with Him. Sometimes remembering gives us what we need to overcome in the present and the future.
This record is important. Otherwise, you go from fight to fight, and you don’t learn anything.
It helps you realize that if you’ve already fought in this area, that it’s not about fighting again; it’s about standing ground. If you’re perpetually fighting and not winning, it’s because you’re not establishing something.
But without a record, you’ll forget.
Without a record, you will forget that you’ve fought this before. In addition, you might lose the opportunity to learn and strategize to take and hold this ground.
We have to do the work of learning how to be a warrior, not just thinking, “When I get free, it’s over”. It’s not just what you’re getting set free from, but what are you getting set free to? Warriors don’t just get past something; they move into overcoming and championing for others.
You each need a Warrior Log that tells you what you’re getting victory over, because that tells us what you’re raised up to fight and overcome. In fact, these Log entries become mile markers or Memorial Stones like in the Bible. Where a victory was won, or land was taken, they marked that victory for themselves and their children. So, taking time to use this Kingdom tool on our Warrior Journey is worth it. These also help reveal the impact of your upgrades for documenting your Evidences of Transformation.
Our Warrior Log: Key Questions
In any event, you can use these questions to review your previous battles and gain greater understanding of past fights. Let’s consider your current battles. Write down what you see so far. For instance, each fight should have its own section that you can continue to add to.
Review your log periodically to see if you have learned more, or if you are once again in a previous battle.
For each fight you identify, past & present:
What is your true battleground? – Identify and then find words to describe the fight you are actually in.
Ask for assistance from Holy Spirit for clarity if you like. It’s not about blame but situations and circumstances and your responses or reactions to them. If where you are is not helpful for you, it is good to seek the Lord for freedom.
Where did this issue / battle originate?
- Is it a battle for inner territory? Is it from my history, in relationships, from soul or family ties?
- After you are set free from your “stuff”, consider if the fight is meant as an obstacle to your message or destiny.
- What is the enemy afraid of me coming into here?
What are my promises & prophecies on this issue?
- How am I fighting with those? (1 Tim. 1:18)
- Do I have a prophecy or inheritance word that I can actually come into an experience of here?
Honestly, how many battles have I faced over this issue?
- How many times have I lost? Did I lose, or just not show up or give up? Is there a pattern here?
- How many times did I say “no” initially, but then changed it to “okay”?
- Who does Jesus want to be to me in this that will produce a different outcome?
What is the weapon and tactic that God is showing me?
- Is it a fight that needs direct confrontation? Or indirect?
- Is it a time to withdraw into God as my Refuge, or come out fighting from God as my fortress?
- What particular weapon is needed?
- Is this an upgrade of a weapon I possess or is it time to learn & encounter a new one?
- What is it and how does it work here?
Is this issue or obstacle something I am raised up to make war on?
- Is this a casual victory on the way to something bigger?
- Or is it an indication of what I’m destined by heaven to overcome with my life?
- Am I meeting people for whom my testimony of this victory is becoming powerful? (If so, it may well be an indication of an area of your authority and ministry.)
- What is God showing you about your identity through this fight?
The Warrior’s Journal by Graham Cooke
The first level of warfare is your own life. The enemy is happy to concede ground to you in ministry if he can keep the ground in you personally. He’s happy to let you think you’re a warrior and getting breakthrough, as long you don’t take authority in your internal territory – because then he’s got that ground in you any time he wants.
Proven History
Warriors have a proven history of overcoming and establishing their internal territory. There are 2 battles over every issue – the battle to get free and the battle to stay free. You can’t say you’ve had “many victories” if it’s the same internal territory you keep taking over and over. When you have a proven history in those areas, the evidence is that the enemy won’t fight you on that turf because he knows it belongs to you, not him.
Seeing Positives
Seeing positives has become first nature, not second nature. Warriors can automatically turn a negative into a positive because they no longer see the negatives. They never consider what’s wrong, but only what God is doing instead. They see through another’s identity, not behavior.

Warriors have an absolute sense of identity that cannot be moved by circumstances. You know who you are in a way that goes beyond just having an Identity Statement. Warriors respond out of their identity and God’s nature, not out of their emotions, fears or history.
Experiencing a Warrior’s life is not enough. It must be established for a Champion to emerge. While warriors have a sense of majesty, Champions have a sense of supremacy. A Champion is someone who takes that proven history of victories and empowers someone else to be victorious. They can take territory on behalf of an individual, of a company or a city.
Training Ground
David became a champion against Goliath. He was a warrior against a lion and a bear. That was his training ground. When he steps up against Goliath, he knew he could do it – and he knew he had a prophetic word that he would be king one day. That day, he fought as a Champion on behalf of Israel with the victories he had established and because he was living in his prophecies.
Victorious Lifestyle
We’ve got to establish victory as a lifestyle. It can’t be just situational overcoming. That’s just the first step. Then you have to do it again and again, until you love getting victory and are not weary in the battle. It’s where you learn the reality of what you’re called to fight. Do you know that yet? How many of your prophetic words are you actually living in? These are great questions and conversations to be having!
For additional encouragement, take A Peak at Training Journal 9: The Process That Makes You Rich.