Our TWC Identity Statements are powerful expressions of who we are in Christ. Make these statements your own. They are ours and, because you are part of this Tribe, they are yours, too. The Warrior Commission is a living, breathing part of the Bride of Christ. We are a Tribe -a Warrior-EPIC Nation who dedicates herself to the Lord. As Fierce Warriors, we passionately rest in the heart of her King.
We are an organism (body) that finds refreshing in intimacy with God. Drinking in God’s water of life and breathing in His breath immerses us in His love. Our unique recipe of Kingdom Culture, Warrior Code of Honor and Warrior EPIC – Warrior, Explorer, Pioneer, Influencer and Champion – means we live as a closely connected Tribe.
As we link arms together in TWC, as this beautiful part of the Bride of Christ, we have identity statements we share as Warriors of His heart.
TWC Described in 30 Seconds or less
Boil TWC down to 1 word: Intimacy
Our Why: Intimacy with God and heart-felt connection with others
Who We Are: see identity statements below
Our What: Our Commission empowers others to discover and live out their commission*
We train through intercession and deep connection with God to be Warrior Ambassadors of His love. Our training helps us walk in confidence in God and in our own identity. In the process, we develop and grow in ways that bring breakthrough and freedom. Our kingdom culture cultivates your Kingdom voice and values people so that they can walk in fullness. We empower people in their journey and story as we link arms together in our partnership with God.
*To us, a commission is made up of about 90-95% intimate connection with God and identity in Christ. God’s commission gives us freedom to engage with Him. In the process, we rest in His heart so we know Him and know ourselves through Him. The remaining 5-10% of that commission is what someone does as their why is lived out.
Our Who: TWC Identity Statements
We are…
Warrior Ambassadors
Warrior Ambassadors of God’s love.
It takes a Warrior mindset to love greatly. Loving others requires a giving of self, preferring one to another and forming healthy boundaries. At the same time, we choose to look past the surface to see the best in another. Good relationships include grace, resilience, tenacity, focus and training. Relational connection develops strong interpersonal skills, dialogue and a heart for longevity to represent the values of our King. Kingdom Warriors represent their King well and carry the culture of their King into the earth. Warriors learn to receive God’s love and overflow in that love to others. In that identity, we are ambassadors for Kingdom and for the nature of God.
Multifaceted Diamonds
Multifaceted diamonds who display God’s light in a myriad of colors.
Growing in God reveals the diamonds we are. His light shines through the purity of heart and purpose He is developing in our maturing process. As God shines His light through us, it separates into a rainbow of colors. Those colors include both light visible on earth and also light visible in heavenly realms. These rainbow colors represent many things in each of us. This includes: call, anointing, skills, personality, compassion. All aspects of His nature working through us and in us reveal the multitude of expressions and kingdom treasures we carry. In The Warrior Commission, this rainbow includes all colors on the spectrum. It represents what we bring to the earth, together, as a unified part of the body of Christ.
Circulatory System
Circulatory System of the Bride.
A a circulatory system we carry the lifeblood, healing, hydration and sustenance that flows from God. We are connected to God’s heartbeat. Our connection means we are sensitive to the ebbs and flows, moves and times of rest, of the Spirit. We are connected (and connect) each cell in the body of Christ. This means our Warrior Code of Honor is actively bringing life giving flow to each person, group and background. As we bring this flow to the body, our confident hope in Christ is shared. Our intercession and Intel make deposits. In this process, we help exchange things no longer needed for the limitless possibilities of life with God.
Transition Specialists
Transition Specialists
God brings transformation. True transformation only comes in the heart of the Father, through intimate connection with the Son and Holy Spirit. As someone embraces transformation, everything around them changes. They have changed and relationships must adjust. The transformation has to take root to become a new default in their lives. Direction may be changed. Life as they knew it may have dramatically shifted. We have embraced the transforming life that comes through passionate intimacy with our God. Because we understand those changes. we can help others navigate their transitions well.
Map Makers
Map Makers of the New Era
God continues to reveal the ground in this New Era. We have the honor of being placed firmly in the territory of this landscape. Our role empowers others to transition into what this New Era brings, as we continue to explore and draw spiritual maps of the land. Knowing the signposts and helping others discover them, helps them accelerate into their own exploration. So, further kingdom ground can be taken. We take turns exploring, pioneering, sharing and bringing the pieces of our map to the table. Together, we will form a more detailed picture of how God is moving and what He is releasing. We will share what we discover with each other and the rest of the Bride.