The Warrior Commission logo is more than a picture. It was designed by one of our Warriors as a prophetic picture. The TWC Logo includes many prophetic images and words God has given us over the years. The TWC Logo is a powerful picture of who we are and reminds us of God’s faithfulness to our journey and story. Let’s unpack the symbolism it holds.

Every color has a graphic color number assigned to it. Our designer prayed for the color numbers for the TWC logo and asked God what color we needed to have.
the number resulted in the royal blue color you see here. This color has several meanings: truth, righteousness, prophetic, revelation, royal priesthood, the Word, Jesus, peace, presence, and depth.

Silver is a color of strength, purity and wisdom. It also includes our redemption and freedom as God’s word is established in our lives. The atonement of our walk opens up our creative expression. In addition, silver captures the breath of life, faith, divinity and righteousness. As a Warrior, we were excited to learn that silver is also representative of the armor of God.
The face of our compass includes white which represents a pure-hearted bride and the bride of Christ. It includes light, cleansing, priestly garments and praise. In addition, white represents salvation, joy, surrender, holiness and victorious overcoming. With childlike faith, white represents our experiences of the peace, innocence, purity, righteousness, surrender and sanctification – what results through our process of growth and maturing. Through our growth, we explore our right standing with God through salvation as saints who live in the blessings of God. The triumph of God’s mercy in our lives opens up festive rejoicing as we live from a lifestyle of praise and worship.

The face of the compass represents our exploring and pioneering nature. It points to our True North, Jesus, and represents our desire to prioritize Father, Son and Holy Spirit in all things.
The compass points to our Identity statement of being map-makers in the new era. Each of us is part of that process. Each Warrior also creates the map as a forerunner and pioneer.
W – E – represents several things for us.
- As far as East is from the West: God promises to remove our sins as far as the east is from the west. This also include His passion to see our new nature, or new man, reach the full capacity of His design for us. The old man is dead and our maturing process, encouraged by our training and Warrior Tribe, allows us to move beyond wrestling with what is meant to be buried with Christ.
- War Elephant: The Warrior Elephant symbolism comes from The Archer and Compass and The War Elephant book where we explore our wiring and the prophetic Key Territories God revealed for us through our intercession. These two modern day parables came from prophetic words shared at one of our Commission Now! events. These stories represent how intercession has been a training ground for our Warrior EPIC nation and how you fit in our tribe.
- WE: Unity. Togetherness. God unifies us in our training, direction, prophetic and identity. We are many who are one in the One.
Compass Rose of our TWC Compass Logo

We feel the compass rose (middle burst) represents Jesus as the “rose of Sharon” (Sol 2:1). The plain of Sharon was a wild and fertile area with many beautiful flowers and majestic views. Just as Jesus is the perfect man, the rose represents Him as it is often described as a perfect flower. This burst also represents the transformative nature of God moving in our lives.

The sword is the needle of the compass. It points to our True North and represents how we are led by the heart of the Father. God is our First Love, our beginning and end. Our intimate relationship with Him gives us direction and purpose. We are never lost or off track as long as we focus on Him.
The sword is sharp. It is double edged, which points to staying sharp and honed in Him. Biblical foundations and a desire to empower all God gives us – stewarding prophetic, praying without ceasing (continual reliance and conversation with God), alignment to Him, etc. In addition, we keep each other sharp and ready in season and out through our encouragement, growth and interactions together. The God stories we hear continually in our Tribe provoke our hunger for Him and remind us that He is with us as we run together into all He has for us individually and together.
The diamond captures our identity statement as a multifaceted diamond that displays His light in a myriad of colors. The facets in the diamond remind us of the layers of revelation and depth of connection with have with our Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. We are also multifaceted with the many aspects of identity, commission and God designed dreams we carry as we learn to be receivers of His love. The colors we reflect are a light that pours into others, giving them new awareness of His love, nature and heart.
The hilt is in the shape of a crown. Looking at the TWC logo, you can recognize the authority God gives us as maturing sons/daughters in Him. This authority comes as we learn to walk in our identity, commission, purpose and promises. It also represents the different types of commissions we carry (together and individually) and the permissions God’s given us with His seal of blessing for each one. This points to Momentum: The Journey Begins devotional that captures the Father letter and His commission for our voyage of discovery in life with Him.
Warrior Commission Now! (Youtube) Channel Logo

This TWC Stylized Compass Logo appears on our Warrior Commission Now! Youtube channel. It includes the Compass rose. This rose represents our alignment with God and how He is moving now. The swords are crossed, both as a call to arms to be in connection with God’s heart for the nations. In addition, they also represent how our interaction together sharpens us and keeps us ready for whatever battles may come.
The black background represents the mysteries of God and our invitation to search them out. In black we see a death to self as we enter into the presence of God and the shadow of the Almighty. This color (in a positive interpretation) includes intercession and a deep calling to deep through our humility toward Him and with others. As we come humbly before our God and allow His holy fire to burn away our chaff, a beautiful incense/aroma is released through our sacrifice of praise. His multifaceted nature is revealed – whether through the thunder of His passion for us as our defender or through His loving justice as it is released on our behalf.
Our Warrior Commission
helps you discover and live out
your commission in God.