In a dream, I saw a multitude of people at a conference. The speaker shared about the Sons and Daughters of God rising up. The people began to shout and stand up. The excitement of being reminded they were Sons and Daughters of the King of kings flowed through them. The atmosphere was charged. Then, the Lord asked me a question.
What would happen if these people lived as Sons/Daughters rather than having to be reminded of their true identity in Me?
God went on to point out that a child of a king, growing up in a castle, never forgot who they were. They were constantly reminded by how they were treated and how they were spoken to by others around them.
God’s view stopped me in my tracks. I had to look at myself first. Did I live as a Daughter of God? Did I live from that place where I knew my Sonship so deeply, it would not slip my mind? I spent some time talking to God about my Sonship in Him. What does it look like to live as a Son/Daughter? What would change in my life if I lived FROM that “knowing,” verses striving toward it?
God, in His beautiful love reminded me that I already am His Daughter. I do not have to prove myself or earn my position. I already have it. So, because that is true, we talked about how my growth could be accelerated. As I focus my energy toward intimacy in Him and maturing in Sonship, rather than striving to be accepted by Him, a heavenly momentum begins to build.
My next exploration became this: how am I reminding the Sons/Daughters of their Sonship in God? How do my actions and words toward them open the door to their understanding of who they are in Christ.
The Lord began to talk to me about intentionality. He said that reminding others of their Sonship is more than passing encouragement. It’s putting relationship as a priority, just as He did for us. It includes putting Him first in the relationship. Then spending the time, and making the commitment, to know their heart and overcome any bumps that may come down the road.
He showed me that purity in relationship is important. If we use relationships to manipulate and control, or for our own gain, then we actually operate as counter-productive to what He modeled in relationships. If we decide to operate in judgment and never give another a voice, then we counter His passion and value for others. If we choose to lash out through hurt or brokenness to, in effect, intentionally hurt another, we partner with the one who would steal, kill and destroy; trampling on the Spirit of reconciliation represented in the cross.
What if we choose to live from Sonship? What if, we dedicated ourselves to connection, heart and reconciliation, becoming ambassadors of reconciliation with all those around us?
Realistically, no, not all will listen or make the same commitment. Truthfully, living this lifestyle is not easy because it requires many sacrifices. You may be required not to speak or defend yourself. You may be asked to connect to another when it is inconvenient. Or, you may even be asked to go to the deeper gift of laying yourself down on an altar of sacrifice for others. Most times, it means you risk vulnerability and knowing your heart may not always be treated as precious.
Yet, there is an ease to it because God connects you with others who also want to live this way. Those conversations become deep and those hearts, flowing from His heart, offer encouragement that is like no other. Who we are and the place we live from will always plant seeds of truth, hope, connection and love that hold the eternal heart of the Father. As we mature, sacrifice, give and pour into others, we will find the deeper love connecting us with God’s heart. We will learn how to live from our inheritance in Sonship of living out unconditional love.
More about Christine, Executive Director of The Warrior Commission (TWC): “God is my passion. TWC is my tribe. My life is an amazing adventure as I explore possibilities and dream with God. I am a wife and best friend to John (25 years), mom to my college-aged kids, friend, mentor, teacher/trainer, business owner, speaker, strategist, pioneer and native Texan. I love visiting with Father, Son and Holy Spirit to discover His heart. I love the process of growth and have great expectation for who each of us is becoming. My favorite thing is to see people discover who and Whose they are. To find our more about Christine or to see about her coming to your meeting or event, click here.
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