Being and Becoming a Warrior EPIC Nation

Who knew what our journey would look like in 2011? Who understood The Warrior Commission would be on a journey toward becoming a Warrior EPIC Nation? – A group which will become many tribes who join together to see God’s Warriors thrive. We are just over the threshold of what God is opening before us. It’s a landscape you’re helping us pioneer and explore. We expect to find just what’s possible in the limitless possibilities of God!
Along the way, we realized TWC is not a “ministry.” It’s a living, breathing organism in the body of Christ. This means we grow, develop, mature and learn how to live out our Kingdom values. We live them, both as individual Warriors, and as a Tribe. Living from values, rather than rules, means we have greater flexibility. We can embrace the many diverse and creative wirings God designed in each of our Warriors. It means we make space for each Warrior’s creative process. God opens ways to foster a safe environment. Safe places support our training and allow us to try out new ideas, tweak, refine, distill and activate. All this allows us to develop the lifestyle of a Kingdom Warrior.
Values Compel Us
Most of us have lived in rule driven cultures in our Church experiences. Many spent energy trying to be “good enough” by following all the rules and checking all the boxes. Unfortunately, that type of environment tends to modify behavior, but does not really speak to the heart. From a historical Church perspective, this framework was necessary. We honor that. But, we know we are in a New Era. God is transforming the Church to bring stronger focus on value, voice and relationship. Ultimately, the change allows His heart, nature, and glory brought fully to the earth.
With every time of transformation, there is a shaking. That time of shaking causes us to consider the status quo. “Does God have something different for us?” we ask. Because of our passion to pursue Him, we asked for the honor to be at the forefront of that transformation. His “Yes and amen” means we have the privilege of navigating this time with Him.
We believe God created us to live in fullness, not measure. Each moment of day encourages us to live in the fullness of our maturity God developed in us. At that moment, we are fully prepared and equipped (even if we think we are not) for what may come our way. At the same time, God is stretching us and building our capacity for the fullness needed in the next season of our lives with Him.

God brought us here simply because we said, “yes.” He requested our willingness to help the Bride of Christ rise and transition into the transformation He brings. We aren’t here in this new ground because we are “better.” We believe God created us to fulfill our identity statements in our commission. Although, we don’t know all that will happen, we are excited to explore this new ground. He is giving us a heavenly blueprint and map to draw. We build and explore together. All we know is He has opened it up. We explore it with passion to draw a map and help others transition into it as quickly as possible.
Relationship Matters
When we accepted God’s invitation to step into this new move, we realized how much relationship matters to us. We restructured TWC to include more opportunities to develop our Warrior Heart . This includes the code of honor and values we live daily.
We developed (and continue to establish) new ways for our Warriors to practice communication skills. Using writing, teaching, training, speaking, language, upgrades, etc. to better express how God is moving in our lives. These skills empower our voice.

Value for Each Warrior
We also decided every Warrior is important to us! God brought each Warrior here. We take the approach that each Warrior will always be part of our Tribe. That can be active in our Tribe or “on mission” beyond TWC. We have a long term perspective. God helps us find new ways for our more seasoned Warriors to explore, connect and thrive.
Committed to You – Committed to Your Process
We do not have a one and done culture. Our decision to commit to the process means we had to redesign TWC. This redesign included relational connections. We poured into what is needed to be close family with healthy dynamics. The Warrior is the goal…seeing, supporting and loving that person. We are not driven my numbers or production. However, God opened the doors for us to impact people in many continents. Our training has developed and transitioned 1000s. It will influence many more. But these outcomes are overflow and blessing from God’s open doors. Our value is not in the numbers, but in the heart of God being embraced and lived.
Seeing Each Other Through God’s Eyes
We have found the fun of a creative God and a culture that encourages us all. In time, we learned to know each other by heart and identity. We chose a long time ago to define a Warrior’s value through God’s eyes. God created that person and their identity, not on anything that person has or has not done. We throw performance out the window and embrace the process of journey and story through the ongoing adventure God uncovers! Our questions reflect our value for others and the Lord. Our Evidences of Transformation celebrate pieces of each person’s story along the way.
Forming New Language

This passion for others created a shift in our journey as The Warrior Commission. God asked us to open space for Warriors to safely explore. We found new language that let us lay aside “baggage” that came with other “churchy” words. Those new words also helped us better capture the kingdom concepts we continue to explore and implement. New language connects us. These words shape our culture of honor, encouragement, relationship, leadership, maturing and passion for God and others.
Being compelled by Kingdom based, biblical values keeps our compass needle pointed on our True North (God). Rather than trying to fit in a specific box of our own making, God’s creativity thrives here. With our True North, we pioneer new ground. We influence through our heart felt words. Warriors activate and champion others to become the Warriors God created us all to be.
It’s been an incredible journey…and we still have a lot to look forward to!
Warrior Code of Honor

We are compelled by the foundational values of our Tribe, rather than being “rules” minded. This means we carry an internal Warrior code of honor. That means this Warrior Code of Honor is written on our hearts. Of course, this Warrior code is based on the Bible and relationship with God and each other. We captured some of these biblical principles in our Decisions That Define Us, Values and Principles, and Kingdom Permissions.
Our main scripture is Luke 10:27, paraphrased, to love God with everything and love others as you love yourself. The key? Loving God completely allows us to receive His love. We see ourselves through His eyes and learn to love ourselves from His heart. As we do, we can pour out on others with a greater love and impact the world around us. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit continually expands our capacity to be Warrior Ambassadors of God’s love.
Good Beginnings

The Warrior Commission began with a question: What would happen if Warriors trained on the ground of intercession?
The journey of The Warrior Commission (TWC) started as a Prayer Partner Network for Graham Cooke. In 2011, we shifted our name to “The Warrior Class.” We were led by Allison Bown. We were set up as an independent training group and separate from Graham’s Brilliant ministry. However, our role focused on bringing prayer covering for Graham’s extensive travel and numerous public events. Around 2017, Graham’s ministry shifted. He no longer traveled as much and Brilliant TV (now called Brilliant Church) was born. Allison shifted away from TWC to work more closely with Graham and Brilliant. In 2020, she transitioned out of working with Graham and has since started her own coaching ministry.
For TWC, 2017, included a blessing and freedom for TWC to explore God’s heart for us and step into more. This included the decision to gift TWC to Christine Casten and the Warriors of TWC. A major transition began. Consequently, God took us on a journey that would reveal a New Era structure and culture. In 2020, God gave us a new name. This name symbolized our next step in our journey with God and captured our current permissions and authority. We are The Warrior Commission.
Compass and a Kiss (Blessing)

We used the compass God had given us. The blessing from Graham and our passion to go after God’s heart led us through a massive transition. Our heart was to discover our Tribe’s identity in Christ and, as we soon discovered, our commission. From 2017 to 2020, we entered into a journey deeply exploring God’s heart. From the beginning, we asked to be map makers of new territory. At the time, we had no idea that would include a whole New Era. In addition, we asked God questions to discover our why and identity. In that process, God transformed us. We entered into more fullness and began to learn what we bring to the table in the body of Christ.
Now we continue to grow in being and becoming Warrior Ambassadors of His love. We know it takes a Warrior mindset to love greatly. We understand and count the cost. We grow in our character and maturity, linked to a Tribe of people passionate and joyful about God. With our “yes” on the table, anything is possible.
Impact of Intercession
We saw our intercession for one become Intel for many. The intercession has resulted in a greater area of Impact than we ever imagined. We developed Intel for countries, people and leaders across all mountains of influence who have received our Intercession Blueprints.
What about that original question? What happens when Warriors train on the ground of intercession? Us. We found intercession is praying without ceasing. Warriors are Ambassadors of love. We develop Warrior mindsets through relational perspectives, scripture, brain science, and connection to others. In this process, we discovered our why and the powerful word “Commission” was introduced by the Lord.
Affirmation and Encouragment
During a discussion with Graham and Theresa Cooke in 2022, they shared their excitement for all God is doing. Both expressed their affirmation and blessing for our journey. We are thriving and they are happy to see where we are and are going. For instance, the blessing of freedom to run with God has brought us into identity, Sonship, Impact. It positioned us to align fully with God’s promises for our Tribe and Warrior EPIC nation. We carry a portion of Graham’s legacy, but we also have many other legacy we carry. Together, we create a new legacy that will positively impact generations to come.
Prophetically Inspired

The Intel and Intercession are intertwined in all we are. We tap into the prophecies God’s given us and, more importantly, steward them in God’s timing.
Living prophetically inspired lives, with God as our First Love, is not always easy. We navigate the unknown territories of God’s heart. He has us step into the undiscovered ground of what this New Era, or new move of God contains. We haven’t been there before and there are no models to follow. So, we are learning how to bring heaven to earth in this space. That means our process can be messy at times. We don’t know what we don’t know. But, with purity of heart, we trust God. With passion to pursue the Lord and grace for our process we partner with Him. He helps us navigate those challenges.
Grounded in Him
Along with prophetic exploration, we stay grounded in the Bible. His word is our testing ground for all we put in place. As Proverbs states, there is wisdom in many voices. We listen, pull the dots together, and collect the wisdom each Warrior shares. Then, we connect those dots together in light of past prophetic words to discover what is next on God’s heart. We don’t have a 10 year plan of numbers of people or know exactly what TWC will look like. As you know, we do not find our value in numbers.
True to Our True North
We find our value in quality, purpose, intentionality and passion. After all, 120 people, with God, changed the world. We are simply following the cloud by day and the fire by night. God is intentional. In fact, we continue to stay true to our True North. (See Sword on Logo page) What more will our foundations, prophetic direction and our identity as a Warrior EPIC Nation continue to be and become?
Our Name
We became The Warrior Commission in 2020. We felt God wanted to bless us with a new name. This name better captured who we are and who we are becoming. It includes the call we have to help the sons and daughters of God rise into their fullness. Instead of the words “sons and daughters,” we use the word Warrior.

Resonance of Voice
Our kingdom voices carry the resonance of heaven. The treasures God has given each person come through the power of our testimonies! Because we are covered by the blood of the Lamb, we are able to breakthrough. In fact, we help each other as we share the wisdom God has given us. We tap into each other’s separate experiences through our calls and training. Simply put, God is glorified. We help those beyond us because we are confident in our God and confident in who we are in Him.
So, here we are. We know our identity as a Tribe. Now, we understand our role to become a Warrior EPIC Nation. Without a doubt, we continue to see God expand TWC to be much more than training modules. The Warrior Commission is a group of Warriors who grow in intimacy with God and heart felt connections with others. We partner with all God has on His heart for His bride to be and become.
TWC – Connected For Life
For many of our Warriors, The Warrior Commission is an active life-giving connection that lasts for a lifetime. As Warriors after God’s heart, TWC is a place to be encouraged, stay sharp and have running mates for the rest of our lives, even as we are acting in other areas of influence. We continue training in many different ways — it may be through a training module or it may be something we have not even seen yet – but through it all, we continue to take ground for King and Kingdom.