Our Tribe Trains Together in EVERY Role!
Whether in Foundations, or Empowering Kingdom Influence training, our tribe trains together through many different roles in TWC. In truth, we enthusiastically step into these roles. We have an excitement for all God is doing in our life and want to help others accelerate, too. The role creates a space for real time practice and ongoing personal growth in the training included in that role.
How do you practice bringing Kingdom Culture to earth? How do you live out New Era leadership? Because you can train and practice in a safe environment to grow, you stay encouraged and learn to continue in life-long, positive influence? TWC opens a way for you!
Momentum Builds
As our tribe trains together, each moves beyond knowledge into a lifestyle of a Kingdom Warrior. In stepping into a leadership role in TWC, you continue your training through that role and practice creating and establishing Kingdom Culture. In fact, you may even expand/innovate certain areas of our Tribe and Training as you stretch, practice, and activate. This process allows you to train in real time leadership and strategy so you can new defaults through preparation and experience, through ongoing opportunities within TWC. These new defaults means you are a Warrior ambassador of God’s heart, understanding how to apply Kingdom Culture in your local areas of influence.
Each of us have our own personal story and journey. We also have a unified tribe that seeks to raise others up, launching each other deeper into the heart of God. As our tribe trains together, leadership roles open a different area of training and give you a place to apply what you have learned. Build confidence in who you are and Whose you are.
Click here to find out more about our Foundations or Empower Kingdom Influence Training.