Empowering Kingdom Influence


Empowering Kingdom Influence – EKI (formerly known as Specialty Training). EKI is an over-arching umbrella for all of TWC’s training and connection opportunities once Foundations training is complete. Our purpose in creating these Trainings is to give every Warrior an experience, that is scripturally based, and helps you develop greater depth in your personal maturing process. We grouped them to create an easily followed map for your exploration.

Growth and Next Steps

These trainings have gone through their own experience of growth. Each is an expansion of what those who have gone before you have learned so far in this dynamic prototype community. While Foundations consists of self-paced training modules supported by Coaches and Warrior Calls, EKI Training Focuses include both self-paced training modules and small team-oriented coached training. Most have specific time parameters or commitments.

Your influence in the Kingdom of God flows from your intimacy with God and your identity in Christ. You explored and developed in these areas through Foundations. These EKI Training opportunities build on who you are and what you have learned to this stage in your journey with God.

EKI – Four different groupings of training

These options based upon the style of training or prerequisites. You are free to choose the path that best suits your individual life in God. Click on the name of any of these groupings and it is a link to take you to more information about that grouping and the Training Focus associated with it.

Transitioning from Foundations to Empowering Kingdom Influence

If you have not met with a Coach to process through the Transitions Training Module, now is the time. We will help you choose next steps for your personal TWC journey with God. To explore your personal TWC Training Map for where you are now in your journey, please email your coaches so that we may walk you through your options.

Once you take next steps in your training, know adjustments can be made. Once you complete your current training, it is time to explore new training focuses. Going in one direction does not limit you from exploring other areas of training in TWC. Or, you can revisit some of the trainings you have completed with the new perspectives and growth you have experienced since taking them. Because our trainings are layered with depth, God reveals new things each time you explore them. As you know, your journey with God is not a one and done, but as multifaceted as you are.

Find Your Next Training and/or Connect to Coaches

Click on the links below to find out more information about each Empowering Kingdom Influence Training Opportunity. Direct questions to map out your next training steps to your TWC Coaches at twc.warriorepic@gmail.com.

Kingdom Lifestyle Training – a place for first steps in Empowering Kingdom Influence

Intel Development Training (IDT)

Dynamic Kingdom Interchange (DKI)

Advance Training Modules (ATMs)

Champions Training

CoNexus Hubs

Link to Kingdom Lifestyle Training Page

Beyond Limits Training – a next step of development

Connection Ambassador Training

CoNexus Hub Facilitator Training – year 1

Engagement Facilitator Training

Creative Innovation Training – year 1

Coaches Training – Year 1

Link to Beyond Limits Training Page

Kingdom Culture Team Training – team focused training

Intel Ambassadors

Kingdom Administration

Champions Advance!

Coaches CoNexus (Coaches Training year 2+)

CoNexus Hub Facilitator (year 2+)

Creative Innovation Training year 2+

Strategic Leadership Team Training – strategic Warrior development focused training



Lead Coaches


Link to Strategic Leadership Team Training


Once your finish Foundations Training and the Transitions Training Module, each Training opportunity has its own start date and timeline. Click on the name of the training to access more information about that training, including time parameters and the application process (if needed). You may apply by submitting the Application under the Access Tab on this Website. Application deadlines and specific dates for Empowering Kingdom Influence Training Modules can be found in the Warrior Update and Frontline publications or email your coaches at twc.warriorepic@gmail.com.