
Kingdom Lifestyle Training

Kingdom Lifestyle Training focus on expanding your Kingdom influence on the earth as you continue your journey with God. These training opportunities have no prerequisites, but may be prerequisites for other Specialty Trainings such as: Beyond Limits, Kingdom Culture Teams, and/or Strategic groupings. Some are self-paced, more like Foundations, while others have a focused area of development through small group training format — specific time parameters, dedicated coaches and supporting training calls. As you develop confidence in these specialty areas, you will find you live a Kingdom Lifestyle.

For an overview of TWC’s many training opportunities, check out the website page for Empowering Kingdom Influence.

Intel Development Training (IDT)
Kingdom Lifestyle of Intercession

Intel Development Training

Intercession as a training ground. IDT helps you sharpen and hone these skills. With coaching in a smaller team environment, you will be encouraged and affirmed. As the training helps you build confidence, you can gain better understanding for what God releases to you. Then, discover how that fits with what others in your team also discover. The Intel/strategy He gives us to walk closely with God and create powerful Impact Prayers.

Learn to take what God gives you through prayer to a deeper place. As you processing through it together, see what God is releasing to the group and TWC as a whole. You will also find out more about how we develop Outreach Blueprints for leaders in the body of Christ.

This training has a 6 to 8 week time frame, includes a team format and is supported by Warrior Calls. Go to the Intel Development Training for more information and a link to the application. This page also explains the invitation for every Warrior to contribute to Intercession. Through our Blueprints, we bring many voices together to encourage Kingdom Leaders in the body of Christ.

Dynamic Kingdom Interchange (DKI)
Kingdom Lifestyle 3 Way Listening

Dynamic Kingdom Interchange (DKI) is a Kingdom Lifestyle training to practice the tool of 3-way listening. This includes three parts. 1. Hearing your own mind and heart. 2. Listening to the person with whom you are interacting. 3. Understanding God’s heart for you both. It was originally created to help our TWC leaders in coaching. Truthfully, all of us desire richer connection with Holy Spirit and the Heart of God in our interaction with others. So, we felt this is an important spiritual tool all Warriors need. This training to ALL Warriors who have completed Foundations Stages 1-6 (or Level 1). This skill supports your partnership with God. Bring His Kingdom to earth in any interchange, or interaction with those you meet on your journey with God.

This training has a 4 week time frame, includes a team format, is supported by Warrior Calls. Go to the page on Dynamic Kingdom Interchange for more information and a link to the application.

Advanced Training Modules (ATMs)
Kingdom Lifestyle of God’s Heart

Advanced Training Modules

Advance Training Modules are a group of self-paced Training Modules that each have unique focuses. Choose your adventure from the options. Although some are grouped in a series, they do not build on each other. They do often follow particular themes in the Bible or focus on skill sets. These Training Modules help expand your relationship with Who God is for you. In addition, building from Foundations/Level 1, they help you with your transformational development in Christ.

The timeframes of completion vary. Because you have the freedom to choose the time you spend in the module, you explore with God. Although designed for individual study, you have freedom to partner with other Warriors as you explore any of these modules. No application needed for these modules.

Link to the Advanced Training Modules page for a list of options and information to access your next adventure.

Champion Training
Kingdom Lifestyle of Living Your Champion Dream

Champion Training

 Champion Training is a yearlong specialty training beginning in July at the start of our TWC Training year. TWC members are eligible to apply if they have completed Foundations, Stages 1-6/Level 1. This is for those who desire a more focused, challenging training through a small team, coached experience.

Champion Training uses dynamic group interaction, one on one mentoring and training modules with submission dates. The team is small. The size explores interaction as you connect to the dream God created you to live. Kingdom Lifestyle of living the dream helps you become a Champion who raises up champions.

Go to the Champion Training page for more information and a link to the application.

CoNexus Hubs
Kingdom Lifestyle of Going Deep with Warrior Buddies

CoNexus Hubs

CoNexus Hubs are groups of Warriors who gather monthly to share their Warrior Journeys with one another. Through conversations focused on TWC’s Kingdom Culture, take the time to get to know each person and develop deeper friendships. Hosted by a CoNexus Facilitator, these groups stay together for the 12 months TWC training year (August-June) and are .

These CoNexus Hubs focus on developing lasting friendships with Warriors. As the groups reform, you have opportunities to know more Warriors across the globe through deeper conversation and connection.

Go to the CoNexus Hubs for more information and a link to the application.

Rising Up
Kingdom Lifestyle of Being a Man in God’s Kingdom

Rising Up

This group is for all men within TWC. God made each member of TWC a unique Warrior. This group of men meets monthly to discuss topics specific to being a man in the Kingdom of God. As one loved by Father, synchronize with Jesus, in the power of Holy Spirit.

For more on this group, email Coaches Gmail address with “Rising Up” in the subject line: twc.warriorepic@gmail.com