As you dig deeper, you will find The Warrior Commission is a commission into a global family/community. This Tribe of believers pray together and train together to fully activate our identity in Christ. As Warrior Ambassadors of God’s love, we train in how to build our lives on Father’s heart and His nature. Through our training, conversations and development, we tap into what God dreams for us and how He designed us. (For our Impact Prayer see below)
The Journey
This journey points us to our Kingdom Destiny through our identity in Christ. We explore all the possibilities found in His promises in the pursuit of joy filled wholeness. Our goal is to live in the fullness of what God created us to live out in this world – individually and together. As Jesus’s Kingdom influencers, we focus on Him. We empower what we focus on. So, our focus on God empowers everything He wants to release to us, which activates more fully as we mature in Him. We train to come to Him, and stay in Him, as we release His love to the world around us.
The one Who knows Him, Becomes a Warrior in Him!
We say, “In Him” because passionate pursuit of God connects us to HIm. As we grow in God, we learn how to live, move and have our being in alignment with His heart. We practice and establish this in our lives. Embracing our process of development, we learn what being seated IN Christ and Jesus is in the Father mean. (Galatians 3:27, John 17: 20-21)
You can find out about our specific assignments from God through our Kingdom Permissions. Return back to our Who We Are page to discover more.

The Warrior Commission Impact Prayer
We declare a time of great freedom, grace, glory and unity in the Lord. Within this band of brothers/sisters we share a time of fullness, inheritance, and unlimited possibilities found through a limitless God. We see with eyes of faith. Our passion pours into worshipping our First Love. We jubilantly align ourselves with God’s heart and Kingdom.
Proclaiming The Warrior Commission to be a beautiful land of glorious wonder, the impossible is possible and giants fall. We are champion Warriors, where the heart of heaven advances. We activate as the catalysts we are and are becoming.
Under Father’s smile, He upgrades our bond, peace, perspectives, and confidence. All the while, we humbly position ourselves to receive an endless capacity for more. Intimately walking with the Lord, we ride His exciting Kingdom wave of grace and love. This momentum connects us to our current and future promises with laughter, joy and celebration.
In support of the rising Bride of Christ, God adorns us with our training and prophetic intercession. Our warriors empower grace, purity, strength, character, courage and extravagant love. We empower our Warriors to train for whatever comes our way. God’s DNA continually displaces our old nature. Trust, deeper faith, patience, hope, stamina, resilience and shared joy empower us to become more like the One we behold.

Isaiah 61:10 “I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.”
Ephesians 3:17-19 “Then, by constantly using your faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside you, and the resting place of his love will become the very source and root of your life. Then, you will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences—the great magnitude of the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions. How deeply intimate and far-reaching is his love! How enduring and inclusive it is! Endless love beyond measurement that transcends our understanding—this extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of God!”
(in the words of our members)
a pioneering training ground for developing and expanding prophetic intercession in an environment of extraordinary encouragement, favor and acceleration. (Natalie T)
the catalyst that propelled me to a deeper understanding of who I am in Jesus and how I am known in heaven. I’ll never be the same! (Anne I)
a community where I can walk and grow in my identity and encourage and walk with others in their identity. (Jodie B)
a community of believers discovering who they are and Who they belong to. We learn how to walk in intimacy with God and with others, and why life is so enjoyable along that journey! (Debby S)
like-minded, Christ-centered people who yearn to learn more about how God loves and sees them, while joyfully encouraging and calling one another higher into their upgrades. (Kern P)
the first place I ever experienced true freedom. Freedom to make mistakes, freedom to shine, freedom from [given by] leaders. I love how there is structure but no limits, freedom to explore, limitless possibilities and a community of people who love the adventure, the learning and the freedom as much as I do. (Nette R)
excellent at unpacking the tools and weaponry that Jesus has given you already to make global impact for the Kingdom of God! Go Warriors!!! (E D)
a relational incubator for Spirit-led transformation into the image of Christ Jesus and the dreams of Father God. (Hephzibah H)
an opportunity for me to look at the limited mindsets that have deterred my growth to the opportunity to exchange these mindsetsfor the mindset of Christ. For example: from the mindset of making a mistake is wrong, wrong, wrong to making a mistake is not possible when learning something new. I am loved even in my mistakes. (Snooks M)
strategic equipping, training, positioning which is helping me to flourish as a son/daughter, warrior, communicator of Father’s goodness!
not only a life line in difficult times, it is a special tool used to sharpen, create and reveal God in us. It is a reservoir of life and joy for me and others around me. (Kathleen M)
a brilliant community that helps me to discover and explore who I really am, who He really is and what I was created to do. (Kathlyn S)
creates an environment to experience the Heart of God and His Love for me more deeply. It has opened the door for me to have a closer relationship with The Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. (CJ)
a safe place of learning and growing up together, the joy and delight of being much loved children and maturing into sons and daughter of our Most High God. (Linda S)