Our Warriors train and connect in TWC in a myriad of ways. As we do, we recognize special deposits He makes that link us together as a family. In our Now and Beyond Blueprint God shared His desire for us to be a Warrior EPIC nation. As we steward and unpack what He means in this phrase, we better understand what this God-dream contains for TWC.
As you rise, Warrior, we all rise with you!

Tribes within a Tribe
This Warrior EPIC nation is a Tribe of many tribes. How? Each Warrior in TWC is given seeds to birth, or sow into, other tribes in the body of Christ through their unique commission. In addition, through our shared identity statements, values and Decisions That Define Us, God makes ongoing deposits to each Warrior through TWC’s DNA. He fills us with heavenly seeds as we unify together and encourage the commission each one of us carries.
The Bones of Character

If we think of TWC as a “body of Christ,” we can describe Identity like our personality. Our values could be seen to be like our muscles. Character would be described as our skeleton. Personality needs a body and the muscles need a connection point. Without the skeleton, the muscles are static, atrophy and have no mobility. They need a skeleton for support and mobility.Likewise, our values and identity are supported by our character.
Strong Character is seen as the heart of God is expressed with honor, integrity, safety, resilience, perseverance and tenacity in a way that values others. Each Character trait forms the support system of our TWC bones so we can to live in our values and identity. These character traits are found in the components of our Warrior EPIC nation.
Your TWC Character, Our Warrior EPIC Nation!
As a part of TWC, we each are given permission, by God, to carry all aspects of these Warrior EPIC character traits. These words, when pulled together, capture our code of honor and create a nation of people who have strong character, integrity and keep our promises. As we grow into these character traits, we choose to lay our “yes” on the table before God.
We become a stable force, more capable of standing in the storms and taking ground in the battles. We also learn to listen and wait on Him and His perfect timing for our direction.
Our five fold nature of Warrior, Explorer, Pioneer, Influencer and Champion of champions can be expressed in the acronym: Warrior EPIC!
At first, you may feel you don’t connect with one or another of these words in this acronym…yet, God has blessed The Warrior Commission with this promise: As you mature in your journey here, you will be and become in each of these 5 aspects of the Warrior EPIC God wants to develop in you.
W – Warrior

Warrior represents the character of resilience and desire to put our King first. It’s the dedication to Him, His heart and His ways. We train as Warrior Ambassadors of His heart. We are honest in our hearts, seeing ourselves through His eyes, making the choice to heal and find freedom through our relationship with Him. God directs us to train in wholeness, in all aspects of body, soul and spirit so we are able to walk with Him in His peace and the fruit of the Spirit.
Resilience – includes the mental ability to recover quickly and realign with God’s heart and nature when having faced adversity. This includes the ability to step back up after being knocked down, the positive ability of a person or Tribe to grow and mature after hitting a wall, facing hurt, rejection, difficult people or personal challenge. Resilience includes the choice to forgive and love greatly.
E – Explorer

As Explorers, we hold to the character trait of tenacity — looking for and holding to hope. His heart is vast and we find that exploration opens through times of adversity and times of ease. But, as we explore each circumstance to find how God is moving, we intentionally look for His hope in everything we face, do or experience.
Tenacity – the quality or state of adhering to God like glue. This includes persistence of purpose as a determination to not giving up easily. In so doing, our choice is to hold to God’s promises and look for God’s provision when life circumstances are tough.
P – Pioneer

Pioneers have the character to persevere. As Pioneers, we keep hold of the promises of God, stewarding them with all our heart, mind and soul in partnership with Him. Our “yes” to God never wavers. As we break ground, enter new territory, and lay down what was meant for yesterday, we take hold of what is for today. Then, we develop or carry forward what is meant for tomorrow. We are not afraid of change or God’s “new thing.” We know that change is part of transformation, transition and establishing a New Era, Kingdom lifestyle on this earth.
Perseverance – continuing in a course of action without regard to discouragement, opposition or previous failure. This is where we practice our insteads and intentionality with God.
I – Influencer, change agents

True Kingdom Influence includes the character trait of honor. As Influencers, our focus is to carry His heart to others, rather than manufacturing and building our own reputation. Influence is a gift offered by the Lord as we grow in His favor and favor of man. Laser focused relationship with God means we can’t help but overflow “all of Him” into others around us.
In this way, we expand in influence, partnered with Him, as we launch forward in our own capacity and authority. This increasing capacity to receive and carry God’s heart becomes an invitation into His transformation. It also means we have His permission to leave lives more encouraged than when we found them. God created us to influence others, making a positive difference in their lives. In doing so, we find the ability to carry our unique version of “Peter’s shadow” – walking in relational connection with Him, purity of heart, and compassion for others. Life with God includes “seeing” others and becoming change agents of God heart.
Honor – includes a recognition of value, respect, integrity and morality. Honesty and excellence of character lives in accordance with God’s nature and heart. As people of honor, we will be places of refuge. We will be trusted, heard and known as people of His love and grace. We will not move out of insecurity or control or manipulation, but instead, will honor and value others. This honor opens opportunities to pour in, raise up and launch others into their own identities and commissions with God.
C – Champion of Champions (others) and Catalyst

Jesus paid the highest price to bring us into a place of reconciliation with Him. As we dove deep into His life, we saw the value of His heart to truly see others. In seeing them, He helped them rise to their full potential in Him. The character trait of value prioritizes people over product, and growth over outcome. We recognize God has a plan and purpose for us.
We also understand He designed His plans so people are not used up or devalued in achieving our “goal.” Instead, God designs His plans and purposes to draw people closer to Him and to reach their full potential in Him. To value others includes preferring one to another. It also embraces becoming a champion for others to help them rise. This passion to grab hold of those around us and help launch them into all God has for their lives creates champions who are steadfast and passionate. As we encourage them to hold closely to God’s heart, they will discover and live in their God given commission.
Value – includes the degree of importance we give to others. Knowing Jesus paid the highest price to bring us into a place of reconciliation, we value His heart to see others and help them rise to their full potential As those who esteem God’s passion for unity, people and fullness, our desire to treat others in their value in Christ is important.
Relationship is Important
In the middle of living the lifestyle of a TWC Warrior, we remain sharp through our relational connections. As God brings transformation in our lives, that transformation is established in conversation and practicing living it out. It’s true, being out there on your own is hard. It’s difficult to maintain the sharpened, honed and love-filled heart in this fallen world. Without encouragement to stand, it might be easier to compromise your values. This is where Tribe comes in. We keep each other stronger, healthier and supported.
We walk out these character traits in our special forces calling. While we gain clarity of vision and understanding, God adds more – of Him, strengthens you and increases your capacity to bring kingdom to earth. He connects the dots, or puzzle pieces, in the picture of how heaven sees us, through God’s eyes and directs us to live our commissions to the fullest.